Hey I'm back! and now I need a name for program

This is an Excellent Idea, and the potential once completed is good.
Tff People Can be your "Betta" testers and help you work out the bugs in the Program.

Your Project has a lot of potential if you decide to market it. Think of all the Help you can do.

I Like the Idea of Drop down Menus
Pop Up Windows displaying the Compatible Species of Fish depending on what option used.
Compatability ratings in Grenn Amber Red
Filtration Calculator
Various parameter Calculator.
This List Goes On...................
Gill said:
This is an Excellent Idea, and the potential once completed is good.
Tff People Can be your "Betta" testers and help you work out the bugs in the Program.

Your Project has a lot of potential if you decide to market it. Think of all the Help you can do.

I Like the Idea of Drop down Menus
Pop Up Windows displaying the Compatible Species of Fish depending on what option used.
Compatability ratings in Grenn Amber Red
Filtration Calculator
Various parameter Calculator.
This List Goes On...................
I could be earning serious money :drool:
Still, I really need to know if i'm allowed to use that picture of the pleco on the fish forums header. :unsure:
trout_pout said:
Gill said:
This is an Excellent Idea, and the potential once completed is good.
Tff People Can be your "Betta" testers and help you work out the bugs in the Program.

Your Project has a lot of potential if you decide to market it. Think of all the Help you can do.

I Like the Idea of Drop down Menus
Pop Up Windows displaying the Compatible Species of Fish depending on what option used.
Compatability ratings in Grenn Amber Red
Filtration Calculator
Various parameter Calculator.
This List Goes On...................
I could be earning serious money :drool:
Still, I really need to know if i'm allowed to use that picture of the pleco on the fish forums header. :unsure:

Just PM Will
:kana: :clap: :flex: :cool:

YAY!!! I win! ... Ummm let me get this straight... you are going to PM a kiss? Is Trout Pout a girly trout because itZme has a wife and kids and doesn't want any man-love :crazy: :sick:

Here is the trophy I won

-- itZme
itZme said:
:kana: :clap: :flex: :cool:

YAY!!! I win! ... Ummm let me get this straight... you are going to PM a kiss? Is Trout Pout a girly trout because itZme has a wife and kids and doesn't want any man-love :crazy: :sick:

Here is the trophy I won

-- itZme
Trout pout is a boy behind a pc, so you'd probably get in trouble even worse by your wife if she found out. I think I will PM you a handshake instead. That is the more manly option :hey:
I'm of absolutely no help when it comes to this sort of thing (dropped ICT when I was doing it :p) BUT I just had to post and say how many times this thread made me laugh... :lol:
ncjharris said:
F or
I nformation
S tocking
H elp

chishnfips said:
How about



These are my Favourites! :) Its a great idea! Just as long as there is a compatability chart. :hey:

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