Hey Betta Lovers!

Vote for Lucky :kana: :clap: :D !
Are :sly: YOU doing your part for suporting the betta section and its aim to promote saving bettas from terible conditions and join in the warmth of these friendly fish :nod: ?

I was the first to vote and nominate for Lucky and im proud i did :D
Bettamomma, have you got a picture of Lucky we can use to make an advertising banner with? Like the one Sir M has in his sig.
Come on people this is Lucky the tailess wonder we are talking about if he can grow back his tail then he can pull back on the votes but he needs your help
I didn't even know he had been nominated! :D
How sweet! I betta get over there and vote myself!
Here's an animation of his tail progress!

how exciting!!

OH, and here's a series of his photos - from day 1 to day 55!

Sweet - my vote just tied it up. ;)

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