Hey Betta Lovers!

Lucky is certainly holding his own over there in the competition :flex: We're all so proud of him :wub:

Martha is cute and all that, but she's a silver spoon baby :p
Lucky has a long,shady history of being on his own and toughing it out against all odds :flex: :flex:
Who can resist that ?!
wuvmybetta said:
Lucky has a long,shady history of being on his own and toughing it out against all odds :flex: :flex:
Who can resist that ?!
The people who voted for Martha, lol.

I decided to hace my brother vote for Lucky as well. Bettas dont live as long as puffers, so Martha will be able to have recognition later on in life.
jols said:
Lucky is behind by one right now! Let's get a couple more votes! :D
Come on folks! We need to stuff the ballot box for Lucky!
I just told Lucky that he's in the running to win this thing. I think he rolled his eyes. That, or he was looking up at the surface of the water for treats.
What a goober. :p

Thanks you guys for voting for him!! I just checked and he's one behind. GAAH!
I think the voting's closing soon. EEk!
It was Martha's sign. Had to be. :)

That's okay, though. Tell Lucky he got second place, which isn't bad at all.
Yeah, I'm sure it was.
Martha's a super cool fish.
Lucky is (whether he knows it or not) lucky to have done so well against that kind of competition. :wub:

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