He's all alone


New Member
Nov 25, 2003
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Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Ok, I have a 10 gallon tank and in it, I have 3 cherry barbs and one zebra danio. I read that danio's are shoalers. My question is, is being in there with the 3 cherry barbs good enough for him or should I get some more danios in there with him. I bought 3 of them initially and the other two died. He was all alone for about 2 months. He follows the 3 cherry barbs around all the time like he wants to hang with them, but they generally swim away from him.

Also, of the 3 cherry barbs, two are always together and one is always hiding in the castle by himself about 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time, he is with the other cherry barbs.

Any ideas would be helpful. :huh:
Not sure about the Danio because I don't keep them, but I wouldn't worry about the Cherry Barbs as they generally don't shoal together. I bought 5 of them thinking they did, but they often keep themselves to themselves (they shoal more often with the Rasboras, probably having an identity crisis or something ;) )
I would say to definetly get some more danios. And do you have any other fish in with them because if you don't I would also recommend getting 1 or 2 gouramis. And maybe some cories that is just a suggestion thought if you already have planned out what you wanna get no problem, but I would definetly say to get more danios. They're cool lil fish aren't they? HTH :thumbs:
Actually in the tank with the zebra danio are 3 cherry barbs and 2 mollies. Do you think my ten gallon tank can handle any more fish?
Well, you could probably add 1 gourami then and your tank would have a very nice look to your tank so add a few more danios and then add the gourami of your choice I would not recommend... Opanline Gouramis, Gold gouramis or Blue Gouramis from what I've heard these are semi-agressive. I would recommend... Any kind of Dwarf Gourami (Neon Blue Dwraf Gourami, Flame Dwarf Gourami or Honey Dwarf Gourami) or maybe a Lace Gourami. HTH :thumbs: :D
sorry samctex for me and him butting into your thread but fish_r_great how long ago did you post your own thread about it?
I have a community tank and I have one zebra danio in there with a bunch of other fish. i originally had a shoal of zebra danios in that tank but i moved them to another tank, however there was one little zebra that never really like the rest of them and so he ended up being left behind in the community tank and i didnt notice him till the next day. anyways he would rather be by himself so in that case i think its ok, but my other danios like playing with each other in the other tank. they don't really shoal that much but they like to play tag and chase each other. so i think my point is that it really depends on the fish! :) B) ~dEx

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