Heres my tank,

Sounds good "silly me", what designs do they do??

I was also thinking of adding some java fern in replacement for the dodgy fake plant in the bottom left corner

*its at the back, on an angle, a twisty thing*
Livebearers will breed as soon as they see each other! The lady in the LFS is clearly a fool! However, all is not lost. There's no problem if they do breed, you don't really have to do anything special (it's not like when cows give birth...!).

If you want to keep the all of the fry, then you'll need to separate them from the adults (there are various ways of doing this), but I'd suggest that your best bet is just to leave them to it. I did this when I used to have livebearers - they breed, give birth, almost all of the fry get eaten (not very nice for them, but entirely natural, and the fish that eat them will be happy), and you get to watch a few cute little babies develop. If you want to give them a fighting chance then you'll need a few caves with small openings that the fry can get in, but the adults can't.
a colourful fish that i have is the gorami family they come in red flamed green and blue.
there is always the clown loach orange with black stripes

if you are looking for a less community type tank an electric yellow is an option they are bright yellow as you can imagion by the name. or some one told me that if you establish the other breeds first you shouldnt have a problem.
adn neon tetras cause you can get them green bue of blak or the red or blue tailed tetras
just some i have
I'd keep it as a livebearer tank and plant it some more(real plants)
the way i see it is if you get somthing like a betta(male) it will become the daddy of the tank and bully your livebearers as will most cichlids here's what i'd do.
i'd wait untill you have a lot of fry(maybe use a spawning net) keep then release them into the tank when about 4-5 weeks old and they should be wise enough to avoid the slower males and after 12 weeks or so bring them into your local lfs and get a credit system,after you have enough credit get yourself a new tank and keep cichlids in there.
But you may not be that much into them that you'd do that.I started the same way and got addicted totaly now i have 1 community and 4 breeding tanks and i have a stack of credit at my lfs.
Definitely at least 2 more cory cats. They are so much more active and fun when they're in a group :)
gixer said:
i wouldnt add anything with all those livebearers.

pretty soon you will probarbly be over run with fry and you will be wondering what to do with them all.
when i got some guppie i was wondering what i would do with fry, so i bought a fish to feed them too, cheap fish food... :lol:
pandapops001 said:
the lady in the lfs said they would be fine, i told her i didnt want mating fish because i was so new to all this, and she said they wont mate until your tank is years into establishment
She didn't know what she was talking about LOL!! Most of our livebearer females were pregnant when we bought them.......Had them for about a month and have a smaller tank with about 50 fry, and know at least one more is going to give birth's not that bad though if you can find a LFS who will take the fish, we have one who will give us store credit for any we bring in once they hit about 2 inches

Livebearers who won't mate for years....what a joke!! :lol:

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