Heres my tank,


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Bristol, United Kingdom
I currently have
5 mollys (1 dalmation, 2 black, 2 white)
2 platys (blueish tint)
3 guppies (orange and blue)
2 swordfish (1 blue, 1 orange and white)
1 corydory

Heres My tank, Its a 27.5gal, Fluval 800 deep,

What else would you recommend, we want colourful fish (NOT DYED), thank you
Well i thought about it, but as it was a relatively new tank i didnt know whether they would be okay, as i've heard they dont like change, my water levels are great now, but everytime i buy new fish i get ammonia and nitrite readings again, despite doing a fishless cycle for a month.

Do you think they would be okay??

I usually do a water change and it sorts this problem out,

Plus i know they like to skool in groups of 6, so does that mean 6 of each species of tetra, or could i get say 3 Black Skirt's, and 3 Neons and they would still skool.

Sorry for all the questions
agree with the neons what about a bristlnose catfish?
I dont think a small tropical community is complete without one
I would say you should get a couple more cories. I've got 3 and, althought they go around on their own a lot of the time, they do like to hang around together as well - and they're quite entertaining to watch when they are together.

Anticipating your next question, if you decide on more cories ("Can I get different species of cory") I've got 2 bronze cories and a peppered cory who all get on well.

moneywastedonfish - I see you're not a fan of the Office.
What dance thing? do you mean my crazy white mollies, they speed around the tank all the time, its hard to get a still pic of them

I heard that catfish and cory's wouldnt get on very well?
OIC, the office, sorry little slow this morning. Got fish on the brain at the moment and not much else.

moneywastedonfish, rent/buy the office its hilarious (if you like that sorta thing)
DDM, i'll have a look in the lfs and see if i can get another, i didnt realise they liked company as obviously at the moment he keeps himself to himself (Doh!!, silly me)

Anything else you would recommend? I didnt realise how Energetic and fun to watch the guppies were, they are crazy little things, they keep playing in the air bubbles from the filter with the mollies
i wouldnt add anything with all those livebearers.

pretty soon you will probarbly be over run with fry and you will be wondering what to do with them all.

bristlenose would be good though
What can i do?? i didnt realise i'd bought the wrong things, the lady in the lfs said they would be fine, i told her i didnt want mating fish because i was so new to all this, and she said they wont mate until your tank is years into establishment, which didnt seem so bad, as then i could of bought another tank and had lots of time on my hands
i think you would be all right witha bristlenose they keep to themselves and add a certain ammount of 'naturalness' to the tank, not the brightest colors but one of my faves

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