Here I go again 150 gallon reset.

Found some new pieces of wood for the ledges. We had a couple of Dracaena's lying around so we will see how they go. Also did a water change that always reduces the tannins and brightens things up abit. The Flower stalk on the Amazon sword has almost reached the surface so hopefully I will have a flower soon.
You are plain mean; how would you like it if someone pushed you off your perch. 😾
That has happened plenty of times. I have been pushed off my bike on 8 different occasions by motorists who failed to give way.
I have been pushed out of my home by cops wielding guns because of an incompetent judicial system.
I was pushed out of my last rental property because the owner was selling.
I was pushed into hospital on a trolley after being splattered by a car, and again after being poisoned by a stupid incompetent council that dumped asbestos contaminated soil on a public park opposite my house.
And I have pushed my car off the road after it broke down. :p
I like your tank, your natural way of doing things is appealing, having in mind to breed all of the inhabitants as far as possible, it's my way of building aquariums too. It will be interesting to see how evolves this little biotope, I'll be here, thank you for sharing and well done!
That has happened plenty of times. I have been pushed off my bike on 8 different occasions by motorists who failed to give way.
I have been pushed out of my home by cops wielding guns because of an incompetent judicial system.
I was pushed out of my last rental property because the owner was selling.
I was pushed into hospital on a trolley after being splattered by a car, and again after being poisoned by a stupid incompetent council that dumped asbestos contaminated soil on a public park opposite my house.
And I have pushed my car off the road after it broke down. :p
I like bike drivers (I'm one myself), I hope for you you don't own a car anymore after your last trouble with it, nobody knows who ordered them for mankind but probably some enemies from space (who knows), I'm sad to hear of your distresses, the world is still the home of the dinosaurs and there is no cure for them, it's quite horrible my friend!
That has happened plenty of times. I have been pushed off my bike on 8 different occasions by motorists who failed to give way.
I have been pushed out of my home by cops wielding guns because of an incompetent judicial system.
I was pushed out of my last rental property because the owner was selling.
I was pushed into hospital on a trolley after being splattered by a car, and again after being poisoned by a stupid incompetent council that dumped asbestos contaminated soil on a public park opposite my house.
And I have pushed my car off the road after it broke down. :p
Please don't push Itiy cat off her perch then
Iti will get you in your dreams😼😸
That's alright, I enjoy chasing cats in my sleep. Apparently my front paws move when I am chasing things during my sleep.

I can't remember if you were around the last time someone here stuck a cat in my bed. We ended up with a werewolf thread that got pretty gory. I can eat iti just like any other kitty :werewolf:
I feel like Iti should be nominated to forum mascot at this point. It would be ironic, cause she is a cat and this is a fish forum:lol:

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