
the one thing confussing me about the sump is how do i go about making an "overflow box" or can i buy one?????? and are they expensive if u can buy them???????????
the one thing confussing me about the sump is how do i go about making an "overflow box" or can i buy one?????? and are they expensive if u can buy them???????????

You can buy them, but they're expensive. If you ask me, overflow boxes like melev uses are not the greatest inventions. I prefer Durso or Calfo overflows.

so the water goes up the pipe an down?? and if the level drops it wont?? right? but how do i put a hole in the tank with out it cracking
A diamond bit holesaw specially designed for glass cutting. Also sometimes an LFS or custom aquarium fabricator will drill a hole in a tank for you for a nominal fee. Mr Miagi would know more about where to find hole saws or someone capable of drilling holes in your neck of the planet :)
Humm, I'd say in order for a novie acrylic worker to properly glue it, 6mm
true thanks alot did u know blue ringed octpuses are so toxic that the omount of their posion that can fit on the head of a pin can kill 10 people

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