

New Member
Jun 10, 2005
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ok who can advise me the temp in my tank is over 26 is this ok or will my fish die how can i cool it down
mollies plattys zebras neons catfishand shrimps
If the weather is very hot over where you are, simply take the heater out and just moniter what temp it is yourself, or just put a bottle of water in the freezer and cool it down and then put the bottle in the tank to help lower the temp.
anything up to 28 (for a few hours, until it cools down at night) is really not going to stress them out tremendously. Wilder posted this link to a helpful article.

Edit: and to be honest, my one tank nearly hit 30 a couple of weeks ago ! :eek: luckily it was only for about 5 hours or so and the fish seemed absolutely fine and were swimming and eating as usual. I also just switched the lights off.

That's quite a good article above and the recommendations about increasing the general heat in the tank is a good one. Thereby the fluctuations are not that great.
so they will be ok i have turned the lights of will this help cool it im new to this so i dunno wht to do
Tokis is spot on except if your heater thermostat is working properly there is no need to take it out cos it wont be on anyway.
Yeah i agree with bloozoo that 26degrees is nothing harmful but lowering it won't harm them - the ideal temp for your fish is 24degrees.
yeah i dont wanna take it out i have turned the lights of and opened the top of the tank will that help or shud i shut it
nah its just so hot today i have me fan on too but it aint going down heater is fine
26? could you translate that in US degres? ROTFLMAO. Keep in mind many of us are on the other side of the pond. :crazy: 26? still cold in UK? It's like a nasty 90 something here. Thats 90 degree in US # LOL :whistle: :whistle:
Heater? sheesh I unpluged all mine a few months ago.
ok Danny

deg c to deg f = devide by 5 multiply by 9 and add 32 and hey presto
eg 20 degc = 4x9=36 +32 = 68 deg f
You guys are lucky. We Brits have the heating on all the time

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