

New Member
Jun 10, 2005
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hi all im tracey and new to this ok here goes i bought a fish tank did all the work to it and got me fish but i woke up 2 days later and i see babys but i dont know what fish had them
Okay, your mollies and platys are both live bearing fish. They breed very easily and if you have females, they probably were pregnant when you got them from the store. How many of each do you have? To tell if they are female, look at their small bottom fin, just behind their belly. If is is triangular, it is a female. If it is a straight line and points toward their tail, it is a male. If the females are pregnant, they will have a dark spot just above and in front of that fin. Check them out and let me know what you find.
i have one of each and i think one was pregnant when i got them
whoops i meant to say i have a male and female mollie and the same wiv the others
Look at the one that you thought was pregnant. Has that spot above that fin gotten any smaller? Does she look thinner? She is probably the mother.
How big is your tank and does it have plenty of hiding space for the babies ie: rocks and plants? If so some babies will survive without removing them.
they look the same sorry im knew to this :(
yeah its a big tank and i have rocks and plants i have only 7 fish at mo
That's okay. Do you have any way to take pictures? Also, molly and platy fry are pretty similar I believe, except for coloring sometimes. Are the females both the same color? Sometimes you can tell by the color of the fry. In the end, it may not matter. You'll want to decide if you want to make a major attempt to keep these babies alive or not. If not, leave them in the tank. The other fish WILL eat them. If you want to save them, you'll need to catch them and either put them in a breeding trap or another tank.

I think the livebearer forum has some good pictures for showing the gravid spot which is how you can tell if they are pregnant. Also, even if they were pregnant, they don't always drop all of their fry at once. That happened with my guppies. Either way, the culprit is one of those two. :)
the baby has stayed alive in the tank now for 2 weeks and getting big mostly comes out at night my plattys are orange and my molies are white the baby i have seen looks orange but also white lol see im fick

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