Help !

Jam Jam

Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2012
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Can anyone help here I have had nothing but trouble after adding two mollies,one died after two days with a disease that I couldnt ID.
I couldnt get a photo of it as it never stayed still!

I have started treatment two days ago of waterlife Myxazin and some salt.
Since then I have had one black tetra dye and a danio too,now my Cory looks to have it :angry:

I can get a picture as he stays still! My water is fine all readings are zero and ph 7.5 and i regularly change water and test regular.


corys dont really like salt how much did you use?? and if you didnt know the disease that killed the molly, why are you treating the tank? were the corys ok until you added treatment and salt...if so id do a WC...:good:
Hi there,I cant just sit here and watch them die I have treated to what I hink maybe best after reading from everywhere and getting advice from LFS.
When being sold the salt and treatment thats exactly what I said about the salt and Corys,but the expert said it would be fine ?

I recon its either body rot\fin rot or velvet but ou cant treat them both at same time can you ?

Just found this on Wikipedia

It is a myth that salt cannot be used on this species of fish as a means of parasite medication. Salt can be added to the water of the Corydoras catfish in order to rid the fish of ich.

What are we supposed to believe?
i was told treat with HALF dose ich treatments if i had corys and be careful with salt...have you done a WC lately? and what are your water parameters? how big is your tank and what fish do you have in the tank? have you used aerosols or air freshning candles/plug ins near the tank?
what symptoms do the fish have?
Hi yes I did a 90 litre change before starting meds. Tested today nitrate 0,nitrite,0,ammo0,ph 7.5. Added air stone and pump to try help too.
It's a 120 litre tank,no air fresheners used near tank.
I just go to wait now and hope it improves I wish I never added Molly's.

I have left 5 black tetra,6 danios various colours,three corys,two small blue rams,one Molly.

The fish seem fine and are all eating,the cory is as above and not his self,the Molly is fine but seems to be wanting to eat all the time and has white swelled scales on on side a similar symptoms to the one that died but it has not affected the fins this time? The corys dorsal fin has took a chunk out of and started to spread on to top of the body and dis coloured it doing so.

Before the the cory took ill a tetra and a danio were found dead no fungus on them just dead?

The only other thing I can think of is the rams attacking them ?
you have no nitrate? that suggests that your tank isnt cycled
you have no nitrate? that suggests that your tank isnt cycled

It is cycled because the nitrate rises slowly if I don't change the water,it's only so low because of the recent big water change.
Also adding salt reduce nitrate !
What is your tap nitrate reading please?

Is there any white edging around the scales?
Is there any lumps beneath the scales?
Any signs of cotton wool patches on the fish body, or bleached out patches on the body?
Any signs of flicking and rubbing?
if there is a difference from your tap waters ph,kh,and gh to your tank water, doing a big WC could have shocked the fish...did you add water conditioner?

also answer WILDERs questions...he knows his stuff!! :good:
What is your tap nitrate reading please?

Is there any white edging around the scales?
Is there any lumps beneath the scales?
Any signs of cotton wool patches on the fish body, or bleached out patches on the body?
Any signs of flicking and rubbing?

No white edging around scales,the two fish obviously have same disease but look different.the Molly has white raised scales on side no affe t to fins,cory has eaten dorsal and patch on top of body.see photo above.
The scales are so small I can't see any obvious lumps just look whit and spikey slightly raised.
Cotton wool on body no but the previous dead Molly had similar thing on its fins? I suppose you could say the corys body looks bleached on the photo in affected area?
Not flicking or rubbing really I seem the Molly do it once on the air pipe.
Will test tap water I did when I first got my kit out o interest and if I remember there were nitrates present but no high?

if there is a difference from your tap waters ph,kh,and gh to your tank water, doing a big WC could have shocked the fish...did you add water conditioner?

also answer WILDERs questions...he knows his stuff!! :good:

I did notice the ph went up by .5 after big water change but not really alarming rate so thought nothing of it.
I add water conditioner everythime I change water.
Thanks for your replies.
I can do no more really if the waterlife green treatment fails I will leave as long as I can,big water change and maybe treat for velvet?
It's sounding like columnaris. Has there been any improvement since using the myxazin?
Does the fish look bloated with the raised scales?
Get a magnifying glass and take a close look at the raised scales to check there nothing below the scales.
I would also suggesting lowering your temp. Get you some information.
Just tested tap water and it was nitrate 5

I will try take a look at the scales,you can only see it really looking at the fish from behind so you looking down the back of the scales if you get what I mean?
They just look a bit raised and white under Neath on the Molly.
It's a weird one as it has not certain factor that you would say yes it's defo so and so.
It could be one of three things I recon,it defo come from an infected Molly from the Lfs !
the raised scales could mean dropsy...its very hard to cure...thats if it IS that...the corys are scaless fish so they wont show in the same way as the mollys(if they can get it at all :dunno: ...i do think its the salt that affected the corys, if they get stressed or there are poor water conditions this can lead to fin rot,this could be why the dorsal fin looks "eaten" as you say....
how much salt did you use and how big is your tank?
Any red, or brown dried blood patches on the fish scales?
Just googled it and you have hi the nail on the head that's defo it,look at the images on google and my cory.they the same an my Molly that died first was very infected and almost identical to the one on the images.Thankyou I think you have diagnosed my problem you know your stuff!

Have I treated correct with the stuff I chose ?

the raised scales could mean dropsy...its very hard to cure...thats if it IS that...the corys are scaless fish so they wont show in the same way as the mollys(if they can get it at all :dunno: ...i do think its the salt that affected the corys, if they get stressed or there are poor water conditions this can lead to fin rot,this could be why the dorsal fin looks "eaten" as you say....
how much salt did you use and how big is your tank?

I just added the minimum dose for my tank as per instructions.

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