
Hmm...I've never heard of anyone being allowed to do a two year tour on active duty, and then go reserves. Make sure you really look into all the options and don't just eat up everything someone tells you. Recruiters have to meet a minimum of recruits per month, so unless you have someone you REALLY know and trust, I'd take half of what they say as complete truth, and investigate the other half. Special forces and Rangers are specialties-- not an MOS. They're schools that you go to after you've already completed AIT (advanced individual training- for your MOS). You have to apply and be chosen to go. They're not the easiest schools to get into- so I would highly recommend you choose an MOS that you're going to enjoy even if you don't get into SF or Ranger school.

Kind of like breeding your bettas- you REALLY need to slow down and explore all your options before you go sign up. Get proof of everything you're promised in writing. Don't let someone else make your life choices for you. Do your research and talk to other people about their experiences before you join.

I don't regret any of my decisions, but I spent plenty of time making the decision, called tons of people, talked to different recruiters, etc. before I joined. I commission as a 2LT in December, but started out as a PFC. There are a lot of options available to you. This is probably best taken to a PM, but do you have intentions of attending college? What are you wanting to do as a career?

The ranger and special ops thing is just soemthign ill like to do in the future
yeha, they have said to me its a really hard school to get into
my friend that has been in it for year now wants me to join now so i can get the 2 month training
done already he want sme to join him into the airborne school
my cousin is currently in the army right now his been there for a while now im guessing 6 years
now his comign by later ont his week his filling me in on everything so they wont screw me over liek they did
to him or he just did it to himself eather way im hoping he brings me good knowledge on all this
It's really difficult to understand what you're actually saying in that last post.

I don't know what school you're talking about being 2 months long...Ranger school is the closest at 9 weeks. SF guys go through a TON of training--it can last 26 months, and of every 4 soldiers that actually make it through the selection process, only ONE completes the training. Airborne school is 3 weeks, and again, is a specialty school that you can't attend until after you've finished basic and AIT. It is easier to get into though.

Well, good luck with whatever you choose. Again, I'm an outlet if you need anything.

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