
black molly3

Fish Herder
Feb 8, 2006
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Iv just came home from holiday only to find that there was blood all over my pond net.
one of my goldfish which iv had for many years was just lieing on the top with a huge scrach along the side of it.
i got one of my spare tanks cleaned it out put clorine and anti fungal protector in and
a pump.
Then got the fish carefully and placed it wound side up in the tank.
she is breathing ok but is just lying on the stones.
whats even more dissapointing is that when i came home i noticed she had trebled in size and when i put here in the tank i seen just by her bum her ovary was opening.
she is pregnant.
I dont know how long she has been like this for but all i know is im trying my best to keep it alive.
please help me i dont know what to do next.
I have 5 pounds spare if i could buy anything that would help but please help me.
i dont want her to die.

black molly3
When you say she has trebled in size, are her scales sticking out at all? Can you get any pics of her to help give us a better idea of her condition? Im sorry to say that personally i dont think she doesn't sound too good though...

Other than dealing with her condition, i'd strongly advise you to go down to your local pet store and see if it sells any anti cat repellant as once cats realise fish are fun to catch they dont usually stop. If you have any zoo's near you, apparently tiger poo works incredibly well as cat repellant although i guess you dont really want to carry that back to your pond :fun: .
im not too sure if her scales are sticking out because im just leaving her to settle in.
i only remember the scales sticking out on her wound.
I didnt realy focus on anything elce.
thanks for the advise and if you have anymore please tell me.

Black molly3
Hmm...Add some Melafix to the tank- this will help speed up recovery and help prevent secondary infection setting in; You say though her insides are coming out by her ovary?
no no no its wound is by its gills.
thanks for the advise.
why did you ask me if ist scales were sticking out

black molly3
no no no its wound is by its gills.
thanks for the advise.
why did you ask me if ist scales were sticking out

black molly3

Fish can somtimes get a desease called dropsy which makes their scales stick out giving the impression that the fish is bigger or very bloated. Keep us updated as much as you can with your fish's condition :thumbs: .
Right do you have a bacterial med or antibiotic as if the skin has been broken bacteria and parasites can enter.
yes she has just moved.
shes still on her side though.
i have this clorinator which protects against bacteria and anti fungal for the fish.
should i get melafix tomorow.
if so how much is it
My fish has a huge scrach along by its gills all the way down with skin hanging off it.
She has just moved so that is a good sign.
iv put a towel over the tank to calm her down and darken the tank up so she dosent get
scared when people walk past.
what elce could i do.
o and by the way, do goldfish need the male to fertelize the eggs when they come out or does he already fertelize them when there breeding.

black molly3
I would use a bacterial med as well, melafix is only good on the outside bacteria not inside, you can use both it's called in and out, melafix for the outside and a bacterial med for the inside.
how much would in and out melafix be.
she is still alive.
what could i do to help her befour i go to the aquarium.
would any aquarium sell it.
she looks ok.
when will that piece of skin by her wound fall of her.
how long will it take her to recover.
she is still lying wounded side up and nown and again she moves her fin.
black molly3
iv just bought melefix and it sed on the back FOR WOUNDS put 5ml of melefix per 40L
of water each day for 7 days followed by a 25% water change.
does this mean do a water change every day after putting melefix into the water?
or doing a water change every week/
i realy dont know.
do you.

black molly3
Once a week isn't enough with a fish that sick it want's doing daily, i would of also got an internal bacteria med, as for the melafix sorry can't help never used it.
When you preform a water change just add the correct amount of melafix back to the water removed, good luck.
my goldfish is breathing heavier and i just droped in some groth
pellets and she sucked 1 or 2 of them up and started flaping her fins.
Yes i am going to do it daily as it says so on the box.

black molly3
Have you increased aeration as you have a med in there.

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