Help worried i will lose all my fish


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Bristol, United Kingdom
Hi there

Please help, i used to have a very happy clean tank, however after my last purchase of fish its like disease hell,

I purchased two angels from my local pet shop, but i had to go into work so i briefed my partner on how to add them to the water, the adjustment to temperature, no food, and keeping the light off etc etc

when i got home he explained that he couldnt hold the bag whilst trying to net the fish out so he just poured the whole bag's contents into the tank.

Ever since then my fish have been all coming down with either swimbladder or finrot and in some cases both their stomochs seem to go flat and the tails a little bent, i have run out of water test materials how ever i've always kept a steady tank with goodish water, apart from the hardness (but i dont know how to avoid that).

One of my silver mollys in particular is trying her damdest to stay horizontal but to no avail, please help what do i treat first, i've turned the temperature right up as i heard that a hotter tank can help kill most bacteria

please please help !
Snailguy101 said:
Well dumping the fish water in to the tank froma lfs or lps is a nono do you have another tank?

No not at the moment i'am trying to find a cheap hospital tank in the UK, but as yet i'm still looking. Is there anything i can do, i've done an 80% water change today and put the temp up, i cant add salt as i have corys
Well does uk have a wal-mart you anget a 10 gallon for pretty cheap just the tank nothing else and you need a 100% water change for this one unless you can treat with somthing...But im not sure
I highly doubt the illness came from the water, but rather the fish you got were sick, and went on to infect the entire tank; this is why it is recomended to quarentine new fish. I always pour the fish out of the bag, and have never had any trouble from this (as long as the fish were healthy).

Fin rot and swim bladder problems are usually caused by a bacterial infection. The bent spine is a trademark sign of fish TB, which is also a bacterial infection. With fish TB, you need to be careful when you reach into the tank or handle the water or fish, as the bacteria can infect humans (usually open cuts). Because TB is very hard to cure, at times impossible, it may be best to isolate these fish. Check out this link for more info and a complete list of symptoms of fish TB. Some possible antibiotics include Maracyn AND maracyn 2, tetracycline, and Kanamyacin (aka Kanacyn).

Since you added new fish, and one common cause of disease is fish becoming stressed from bad water, I would recomend getting a new test kit ASAP or taking some water into your LFS to be tested.

After reading that link i think you are right, my silver molly has had what i assumed to be blackspot but she has had it for months without it affecting her behavior etc, but this is a common symptom of TB, when i originally investigated this it was apparent that although blackspot was present it was essentially harmless therefore no medication was advised.

What can i do now ? I will do a 100% water change in a few hours as its still 5.39am here
Wait I read that wrong you said bacteria I have no Idea what to do I think you need to put the fish down and clean that tank out pretty darn good
DO NOT do a 100% water change. That is very stressful on the fish, and should be avoided at all costs (the ONLY time to do this is if something poisionous to the fish has been poured into the tank). Right now, isolate the suspected TB cases. If you don't have a hospital tank, a 5 gal bucket will work. If that isn't possible, this sounds harsh, but you may want to consider euthanizing, simply because it is extremely lethal and very hard to cure once symptoms are obvious. Exactly how many fish and what types are infected with TB?

How many fish and what types are infected with something else?
I know what you are saying snailguy but i couldnt ever kill a fish or anything else for that matter, is it worth me adding some stress coat, would it help her feel more comfortable, crap i really need a hospital tank
Snailguy101 said:
Wait I read that wrong you said bacteria I have no Idea what to do I think you need to put the fish down and clean that tank out pretty darn good

Swim bladder infections and fin rot are very treatable bacterial infections. DO NOT put those fish down before you attempt to treat them. The ONLY time I can think of recomnding putting a fish down immediately is with fish TB, unless the fish is obviously suffering and is very far gone. I don't think the swim bladder and fin rot fish are to that point yet.

Snailguy - you really need to read up on disease before helping. If you are unsure, it is best to not answer in the emergency section, simply because the advice you give will usually be immediately followed because people are desperate to help their fish. This is the second time tonight you have suggested prematurely to euthanize a fish.
Only one that is swimming badly and has black spots and a bent tail end.

I also have two angels, a dalmation molly, another silver molly, 2 corys, 2 bristlenose catfish, 2 danios, 2 neons, 2 black neons and a lemon tetra

she is the only one this bad, although i've noticed fin rot on another fish and my albino cory is acting very scatty
pandapops001 said:
I know what you are saying snailguy but i couldnt ever kill a fish or anything else for that matter, is it worth me adding some stress coat, would it help her feel more comfortable, crap i really need a hospital tank

While I'm not recomending putting these fish down (except possibly the TB case, because it is HIGHLY lethal, and you don't want it to spread), have you looked into getting clove oil? You mix a few drops of it into the water, then the fish dies very peacefully. Its the quivalent of putting a dog to sleep when they are suffering and there is no hope of recovery. It is a hard choice to make. but I prefer to put them to sleep instead of leaving them suffer.

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