Help worried i will lose all my fish

but she has had the black spots for months now, and no other fish has them thats the strange part, clove oil i know its probably the kindest way but i'm so close to my two silvers and my dalmation had them the longest.

I really think there MUST be an alternative, i will purchase a hospital tank today before work.
Unfortunately, fish TB is a slow infection, and the fish can show symptoms for a while before it becomes really bad. Definately isolate that fish, and treat with tetracycline or Kanamycin (aka Kanacyn). It really isn't sounding good for him, i'm afraid. Clove oil is the only way I will euthanize a fish, it is the easy on the fish and also on the owner.

When you pick up a tank, take a sample of your water in, and ask them to test it to see what is up in there.

I'm gonna send you a PM
tttnjfttt thank you for all your advice, she is somersaulting around in the tank, and the other silver molly is now trying to kind of peck at her, they were always so close. :(
I think she is trying to nip at the body. As discusting as it is, the fish will eat other dead fish. You need to remove the fish NOW, to keep the infection from spreading to others. Put the fihs in any clean container you have. A 5 gal bucket, a pot you use for cooking, ANYTHING!
honestly, right now I am more concerned for your other fish right now. If you have a small enough container (like i've use a 1 gal critter keeper), you can float it in the main tank. Ohter wise, turn your airconditioning off or set the temp higher. How warm is it in your house right now?
right she is in a large net still in the tank, the other fish cant get to her, but i'm concerned about keeping the water temperature high enough for her in a bucket etc.

she seems glad of the surface air, despite my fluval 3 plus kicking out the thousands of bubbles that it does
Its not very warm here it never is, been raining all night etc and has chilled right off, will it help to put a glass fruit bowl on top of the tank lid, will it keep warm enough ?

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