Help with Test Kit Readings


Fish Fanatic
Oct 28, 2003
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Well, I got my water test kit today, luckily i found a good liquid test kit on sale, so i didnt have to cheap out and buy the strips! Anyways, i'm a chemist (did a few years of it in college) so i'm sure i did all the test correctly, however i'm new at this fish thing so i'd appreciate some input regarding the following test results :p

Ammonia 0.5ppm
Nitrite 0.25ppm
pH 8.0
GH 37 dGH

I added Ammo Lock for the ammonia in the water and a bit of Aquarium Salt to make the Nitrite less toxic (both suggestions from the little book from the test kit -_- ) but I'm not sure what, if anything I should do about the pH & GH readings! HELP MY FISHIES! thnx ~sarie :thumbs:
Please someone let me know what to do about the water hardness!! the book says it should be 3-6, and its like 37!!!! eek! will my fish be ok? ~sar :/
Don't know anything about Ammo lock as I try not to use chemicals to solve a problem, first things first though do a 25-30% water change, you want to get the ammonia and nitrites down. How long has the tank been set up(is it fully cycled)??

Personally I don't check water hardness... I'm always worried I'll frighten myself, a lot of guides talk about ideal conditions which are almost impossible to acheive unless you're using RO water and adding back the minerals. personally I feel that most fish are fairly adaptable when it comes to hardness. What fish are you keeping?
right now i have the zebra danios in there......i just thought 37 was way too high!!
hopefully they are ok....i'll do a lot of water changes! thx
Remember salt adds to the hardness.. Be carfull with that stuf.. A couple of water changes over a period of time and check it again..
Let's see if I can help a little here.....

Just from your readings, I would say your tank is not cycled. However, Ammo lock can give you false reading of ammonia (don't know about NitrItes?) If you have not completed your cycle (or your having a mini-cycle), that should be your first priority. Need that cycle for healthy fish :rolleyes: Did you pick up a NitrAte test while you were there? They normally don't come with the kits for some reason, but you really need one :/ NitrAtes in your tank with Ammonia and NitrItes at 0 will be the end of your cycle. That's what you want to see in your test readings.

Adding a little salt is "OK" but unless your keeping brackish fish, it's really not necessary to your tank. Yes, it will help while the NitrItes are in there, but you won't need it afterwards. And, as stated, it will raise your hardness.

A Ph of 8.0 will be alright for most fish. Since that is your tap Ph (right?), that is probably what your LFS keeps theirs at. This means less acclimation when you buy new fish.....they are already used to that Ph (make sure to ask at the LFS what it is...don't assume. Or test it your self). There are some fish that need softer water, but that requires a LOT of work and normally a R/O unit. Believe me, I've been trying to figure out a way to raise and breed Apisto Cacatuoides in my water :sad:

I think that's about all I can give you. If I think of anything else, or you can think of more questions, I will be happy to try and help more :p

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