Help With Sump Return


Fish Crazy
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Plymouth UK
OK I need some ideas. The tank I have has been drilled for 2 3/4" bulkheads in the base. I'll be using one for the overflow with a durso standpipe and the other for the return. At least thats the plan :)

The problem is that the hole has been drilled 4" for the corner and then 4" into the tank and I'm not sure how to plumb it without having a length of pvc tube running up the tank. I wouln't mind as much if it was flush to the back, side or corner but this far into the tank I don't think it will look good.

Any ideas?

This is just an idea, which you may thought of, but why not use some live rock to hide the pipework, im sure you could make it look interesting, and maybe make some caves?

This is just an idea, which you may thought of, but why not use some live rock to hide the pipework, im sure you could make it look interesting, and maybe make some caves?

That was my original idea but was a little concerned as it will be effectively free standing at the base and don't want the risk of a small rock slide knocking it and causing 55 usg to flood my front room.

Best 2 ideas I can think of atm are to either use flexible hose and run it back to the corner of the tank then up to the surface or the same sort of thing using pvc pipe and 45° bends to achieve the same effect I'd rather use 90° but on the advice of ski I think this could prove to restrictive.

Seems to be loads of info about overflows etc but not much on returns.
Good thought Andy how would I go about sealing it or is it as simple as siliconing a piece of glass over the hole the same thickness as the tank base.

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