Help With Sick Betta - Update With Recovery Pics

Well I thought I'd update so you can see what you think of the progress.
Personally I don't think he has AS many spots, but with that said - his breathing seems more erratic this morning, he tends to be gasping...but he is still rising up to the surface for air - so thats a good sign I hope. God after everything I've put into saving him I'd hate to lose him. Even the pet shops ask me now when I go in "How's your fighter doing?" lol, thats bad.


Before the Ichonex Treatment (taken approx 4 days ago)


And today - hopefully you can see an improvement.
._. He looks a lot like my fishy. I hope he gets better. The poor baby. I really hope he pulls through. He looks like a fighter. =)
Thank you!
I am scared to say it but I think he's on the mend.....FINALLY!!
He's definately more active, although still not eating...
I have, I tried pellets, dried shrimp and blood worms.....he doesn't seem interested in any.
He has been very ill probably dosn't feel like eating just yet.
How his breathing.
Soaking food in garlic juice is meant to stimulate a fish apetite, and also boost the fish immune system.
Poor babe. Your a star for bringing him this far, that was a nasty case an he looks so much better! I hope the little guy makes a fully recovery and lives a long and happy life with ya :good:
Best of wishes
FP x
how'd this little guy make out? did he make it? i was really routing for the fish (and the owner).
Just thought I'd update seeing as how all the great advice here is what helped save Edward

He made a complete recovery. I don't even know how as he was literally so close to death it was crazy. Every morning I expected to find him floating in the tank, but he was such the fighter (no pun intended). Everyday he got worse but he held on. Finally I began treating him with a copper based product that someone here suggested (THANKYOU). And even though the LFS all advised me against it I bought a product called Ichonex, which is what saved Edward.

Anyway, here are some recent shots.

(Excuse the bubbles on the glass, he just had a water change)



Wow, never seen whitespot like that before(in ANY fish). He looks amazing now, well done you for putting in all that effort and saving him!
I a so pleased he managed to pull through. proof that if you perservere, and have luck on your side, you can help your fish pull through almost anything :)
he looks GREAT :good: :hyper:
thanks for putting up the recovery shots! what a lucky boy!!!!
well done, you!!!!!

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