help with mollie


Fish Crazy
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
new york
i have a 10 gal tank with a betta, 2 mollies and a pleco. yesterday i noticed that one of my mollies has this white string/worm like thing coming out underneath him. it will break off and come back and it only started yesterday. i bought parasite clear hoping that it would work, but when i got up this moring it is still there. i don't know what it could be or what else to do.
could be just faeces. our mollies often have long strings of faeces trailing behind them for a while before it eventually breaks off.
i thought that, but they don't eat much, my betta chases them away. i heard that mollies eat alage, which could explain it. yesterday it would break off and more would come out (it seemed to go on for a while).
Yep, sounds like poop... If it super clear it could indicate a problem but let's not look for one yet... They can pass fairly long ones and that's not a problem.

Hi there,
This sometimes happens. Mollies have ferocious appetites. Somtimes they eat like pigs and get constipated. Do you give them any fresh foods? A good thing is if you take frozen peas and cook them in a bit of hot water. let them cool and peel them and squish the pea insides into the water, all of my mollies will eat these, it helps with their digestive systems. I try to do things naturally before I medicate. Good Luck, Angel
Angel's Fab Fish
i will have to try that. i do have another question.i am currently feeding my mollies and betta tropical flakes and freeze dried bloodworms, but the betta keeps chasing the mollies away. they are usually fine otherwise, just not when it comes to food.
I dont think that it is to serious, just make sure that both of the fish are getting there fair share, and if need be sprinkle the fish in two differnt spots so that they wont have to compete for food.
Heck, I've seen one of my mollies have a bowel movement 5x her size! (she was only 1/2 inch). Some of my larger, full grown mollies will have ones that are huge. lol

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