Help With 'lumpy' Oscar

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Fingers crossed it goes down.
Chops has had a similar looking one sided bloat before, his did go down after a few days but he was fed nothing but peas and he does love them, where as my other oscar wont eat peas at all.
He's exactly the same today :(
You could also try epsom salt baths 
Oh, that might be worth a try, I hadn't thought of it; thanks, Wilder!
Sadly, I'm bumping this thread to say our oscar is much worse :(
He's had two courses of Myxazin, salt baths every day for five days, Epsom salt baths every day for five days and the lump is still much bigger :(
He's still acting, eating and pooing completely normally but, for when the time comes, what's the best way to euthanise a big fish? I'm worried clove oil won't work quickly enough :/
Oh FM I am sorry :( however he may have a while yet, a birchir I rescued had a lump in its stomach for nearly 2 years, it never bothered him, he actually passed away sleeping in his favourite spot, which was nice.
As for using clove oil on larger fish it can take a little longer, I usually make up 2 jars of clove oil, the first at 30 drops/l the second stronger, I add the first one then once they have gone over add the second. I think this is why many sites suggest adding vodka. If you have a bucket with a lid, use it just in case. Hopefully you wont have to do it for a while yet. x
Thanks, Star. we'll see how he goes on.
Have a look for "Aqua-sed". I think I got mine from Charterhouse Aquatics. It's a fish anaesthetic, but used at 4 times overdose it euthanases fish quickly and peacefully. It sounds awful, but I have a lot of fish and its good to know it's in the cabinet if ever I need it.
thumpersrx said:
Have a look for "Aqua-sed". I think I got mine from Charterhouse Aquatics. It's a fish anaesthetic, but used at 4 times overdose it euthanases fish quickly and peacefully. It sounds awful, but I have a lot of fish and its good to know it's in the cabinet if ever I need it.
Thank you, that's handy to know. I'll look into getting some, although I am going to ring my vet at some point and see what they have to say as well.

It's been a miserable time, watching the lump getting bigger. Everyone in the house loves him to bits, even if he does make horrible faces at us all 

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