Help with Fry please!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, BC, Canada
One of my fry

from my batch that are 4 weeks old tomorrow, had something attached to it. I carefully siphoned him/her into a clear cup to take a closer look (with some water from their tank).

Looks like attached to the left side of the fry's face/gill area, was something that looked like green algae (which some do grow on the sides of my tank). At first I thought maybe he/she was choking on it, but it was not in the mouth area. Also near where the green "attachment" was look like some white fuzziness happening. I carefully took off the green stringy attachment with a plastic tweezer (new/clean). Got some of it off, there was one point where I had a grip on the "green" stringy attachment with my tweezer that when I went to give a little tug to pull it away from the fry, it was so stuck that it would not come off for awhile.

I don't know if this was the right thing to do (sorry if it wasn't), but I carefully put it in the palm of my hand (which were cleaned with water, no soap) with some aquarium water, and used the tweezer and was able to remove the green attachment, and white fuzziness (took about 10 seconds to finally get it off). Then I gently put him/her back into the cup of tank water, but he/she isn't moving.

I felt so bad for the fry! :(

Fry was about 7-10mm long, and had food in it's stomach (white mw).

I didn't know whether to leave it or not, but I felt I had to help it.

Did I do the wrong thing? I feel really bad. :sad:

I just didn't want it swimming with the rest of the fry if it was suffering, and I didn't know if that white fuzziness was some fungus (which I don't want spreading to my other healthy fry).

I'm just wondering what the green stuff could have been? Doesn't look like hydra (from pics I've seen on the internet), but I could be wrong. Or maybe he/she got nipped @ from one of his/her siblings (eventhough they are almost 4 weeks old, I can see some of them go up to the other and stare each other down. Some lunge @ each other, but not often), and the nipped area got infected, and the algae got attached?

Any input is much appreciated.

I hope my other fry will be fine...the seem healthy. :D
Can't answer you about any of the algae. I've never had to deal with it in any of my tanks, and have absolutely no knowledge of it to speak of.

But if you are seeing any evidence of possible fungus, I'd suggest getting some Methylene Blue and dosing them up...just in case.

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