I wonder about spirulina powder for feeding daphnia . Wouldn’t that be about the same as green water ?
I have a small circular sponge on an internal filter around 8cm tall. I Let it get dirty then squeeze out into 1-2L of tank water into a measuring jug. Wait for the mulm to settle then skim off the top with a small cup. You'll get a milky-looking cup of water. I just chuck that in along with powdered food and the fish seem to do well. A bigger sponge like a sponge filter will be home to more and will probably last longer too. As for feeding at the substrate level, I don't really have a plan for dealing with that sorryMatt, what size sponge in what volume of water to start infusoria? How much do you give to new fry? For bottom dwellers, how do you get the infusoria to the substrate level where the fry are swimming? Thanks.
TY for the lesson.A water butt is the UK version of a rain barrel and a barrow is a wheelbarrow. Some designs can hold a decent amount of water.