Help With Albino Cory


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
yorkshire hull
iv just looked at my tank and iv notest one of my albino corys at the top off my tank upside down
i thoght it was dead but i toutched it and it swam to the bottom stoped and slowly floated to the top again
it stomack looks bloated like its got air in it
iv feed it like normal today fish flake and pellits
carnt get pics on cos havent got a cam

any one know whats wrong with it and what i can do

thxs in advance
unfortanatly it died during the night
all my other albino and bronze are fine so i havent got a clue what was wrong with it
I read your post, but didn't have an answer for you. Many would respond "swim bladder." Possible I suppose. But that is a result of something else, such as taking a hit to the swim bladder from another too rough fish, bacterial infection or parasite, or constipation pushing on the bladder....

But whatever the cause,

So sorry about your little guy. I hope the rest are ok. Keep an eye on them.
Sorry to hear you lost the cory! I lost 3 albino corys in succession some time back and I am wondering if they are a little weaker than normal bronzes -_-
What are your water readings? Sometimes fish just die, I call it the fading fish syndrome :byebye:
The actual term, I believe, is "failure to thrive." But this fish had symptoms of physical trouble--bloated, was my understanding. Yes, be sure to do some maintenance, give the substrate some extra attention as well as the filter and water.

When fish are new, they have been through incredible stress. All the jostling and changing of tanks and water: the stress impacts their immune systems and causes them to be vulnerable to infections. Some fish are not as strong as others. It may be so of some albinos, but I am inclined to believe it has more to do with the breeding and therefore the breeder. I have albino long fin C. paleatus (peppers), and they are incredibly hardy. If the breeder has inbred his stock without bring in new blood, but added sons and daughters for several generation to the breeding stock, that family of fish will be weaker. If hormones and mass fish farming methods were used they may be weaker.

So often lps fish are mass bred or bred with poor methods. (That is not always true, of course.)
thxs every one
i got 3 new albinos 2 weeks ago about an 1 inch in length that was one of them that died
all my other corys are fine
water reading are spot on as usual
i allway keep on top of tank maintainace so i dont think it is down to that
just the individual fish i think

as a few of you know i lost some bronze cory fry just over a week ago and i spawned them again
now the first batch hatched in just 2 days

now i can see they have formed in the eggs but its been 3days 9 hours now and not a sign of hatching
is this normal
Hi drewry :)

The albino that died was still young and, I think they are more vulnerable to changes in their environment at that age. If it was raised in one kind of water (pH, hardness, etc.), transported and put in other water at the lfs, and possibly made to undergo yet another change when it arrived at your home, the stress might just have been too much for it.

About the eggs....... Is your water temperature the same as with the first batch?
Hi drewry :)

The albino that died was still young and, I think they are more vulnerable to changes in their environment at that age. If it was raised in one kind of water (pH, hardness, etc.), transported and put in other water at the lfs, and possibly made to undergo yet another change when it arrived at your home, the stress might just have been too much for it.

About the eggs....... Is your water temperature the same as with the first batch?

yeah maybe so inchworm

yep everythings the same temp as the first batch
on the first batch i got fungus and 57 hatched
the ones iv got are just starting to get fungus on them and im abit concernd they havent hatched yet
Hi drewry :)

How warm is your water? The eggs will develop and hatch more quickly in warmer water than in cooler.
Hi drewry :)

How warm is your water? The eggs will develop and hatch more quickly in warmer water than in cooler.

hi inchworm

yeah its in between 77and 78 the same as last time so i dont understand it really

im not haveing mutch luck with anything at the minite :angry:

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