Help with 2 Problems please!!

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May 14, 2004
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Problem 1: In our 30 UK gallon tank we have 2 Juvenille Fat sleeper gobies (Dormitator maculatus) Which they have been sharing with a large chinese algae eater and 2 Keyholes. ( we are planning on getting them a bigger tank in the future) But recently the darker of the two gobies has been vey lethargic and hiding. we have no noticed a large hole in its side (we are very surprised its still alive) So 2 questions:
1) Can we treat this or should we euthanize? :-(
2) What caused it? -_-

Problem 2: Our large 47 Uk gallon tank has been set up for 4 months now its always had a slight haze in the tank but the readings are fine and the fish seem great so i put it done to lighting and a slight algae bloom. Now i've been away on the weekend and left my boyfreind to look after it. On sunday morning he found one our bolivian rams dead and the water is very cloudly, everything is working and the fish don't seem too bothered. And nitrates read at 0 and ammonia at 5 (need to get test kits for the other things) So:
1) What has caused this cloudiness?
2) How can i get rid of the cloudiness? :unsure:

Please help me even though i am experienced i'm a bit flummoxed by these problems!! :unsure: :unsure:
Hi Aloaring,

I notice you said Ammonia is @ 5?? I presume you meant that the nitRATE was at 5. I the ammonia is at 5, start doing daily water changes and that is the reason for your fishy death.
However nitRATES at 5 is a good reading.

Sorry to hear about your loss :rip: :byebye:

The cloudyness could be a bacterial bloom. This should disperse in time, and is quite common with fairly new setups.
Keep up with the water changes to keep the bloom at a minimum.
We had one that thankfully didnt kill any fish, and unless is really bad, rarely does. Still not a good thing though.

We invested in a UV steriliser so that now pretty much eliminates any chance of it happening again. A worthy investment if you can justify it.

Post your other readings (hardness, pH, nitRITE etc) when you get a chance, although im sure you know if your parameters are ok or not :)

Good luck and keep us posted :D

For the Fish with the hole in it:

It is an ulcer
Ulcer disease is primarily caused by pseudomonas and aeromonas bacteria

Check these links:

My suggestion, is to isolate the fish fast, ensure it also has a mature biological filter so its not poisned in the isolated tank by ammonia and nitrite or just do several water changes.

The other tank, the ammonia is too high, your biological filter is not doing it's job properly, I hope you not putting any chemicals in the tank in the past that might be harmfull to the bacteria, like chlorinated water??? Try buy some bacteria from the fish shop, to boost the bio filter, also do a 50% water change to be safe.

Also, check PH levels over a week and see if they stable and not jumping up n down.
Fawke, Thanks for your reply my actual readings are as you guessed ammonia=0
Nitrate = 5
Sorry. I was wondering if it was a bacterial bloom as when we set up the tank we used filter media from our other tank and gravel and water form our other tank to stop this from happening? And i am confused as to why is it happening now!!
But i've got some stress zyme (bottle of bacteria? should i add some of that to the tank?

Thanks Romiko for that information on ulcers whne i get home tonight i'll quarantine the goby though i don't think it will last long as this mornign it was breathing quite heavily!! Just hope none of my other fish get it. we'd been accusing the Chinese algae eater (Sucking loach) of attacking it as he is so aggressive!! -_-
Don't forget to bisit the local fish shop and get some treatment for it, also a anti biotic (since it is now quarantined) will also help get it better, just remember some antibiotics kill the beneficial bacteria in the filter, so might want to take that out and any activated carbon medium.

Good Luck :(

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