Help! What Is Wrong

Mr. Fish ate 2 pellets of food this morning!!!! he's still weak, and I agree with all the pp's who said it's his age catching up to him. I moved him to the bigger tank once the water temp matched (both 82) his current tank, but he was still stressed a bit.

I am going on a mission to find a 25 w programmable heater. The mat one stinks and it's constant work of unplugging and plugging it in to keep the water at 82. I've gotten up the last 2 nights every few hours to check on him and I can't do that during the work week. There has got to be a pet store that has one...

Also, what can I do about a filter? He really dislikes the bubbly one and cowers from it (as he's done in the past). Is there something that is a bit less intrusive in his space? I just don't have the heart to stress him like that.

I seem to be spending a lot of money for a fish on his last leg. I guess I have more learning to do, since I will most likely rescue another one when he goes, it breaks my heart to see them struggling in those little containers. Earlier this week, a store owner got pissed at me for saying one wasn't in enough water and assured me that they are not active fish and prefer it. I politely told her that she was mistaken and left.

Thanks again! I will keep you posted.

Azulfire, don't mind Honeythorn, she means well and seems to have a passion for fish and their proper care. Her concern comes accross a bit harsh in the process.
Honeythorn give it a rest please. The op is aware of the issues and your constant picking is neither helpful or wanted. It also entices people to start looking at your fish? You have a single weather loach, which i have just read about. They apparently prefer to live in groups and on one site it states they should not be kept on their own. Therefore, should we start picking holes in that?
If you're going to pick holes expect it back!

A one gallon tank is, IMO too small, but if this betta has been there for 2 years without a problem then the op must have done something right. The betta could have been a year old when they got it, so it could just be old age catching up on him.
If you don't have space for a big enough tank then you don't have space for the fish. And no, 1 gallon is not ok for a minimum . Read again what I put about the living conditions in the wild, which is what people keeping them in 1 gallon "tanks" should be looking at, instead of listening to badly trained/misinformed pet shop employees who simply want to sell you a blob of life regardless of how you keep it.

you realy need to stop jumping down other people throats every time they dont agree with you, yea 1 gallon is not IDEAL and I dont do that to my own fish, but I am sure that with proper care thousands of bettas have lived out happy full lives in 1 gallons.

just because YOU think something must be a certain way does not mean everbody else must bow down and agree with you, I for one am sick of seeing you jump down new people thoats constantly, you attitude is downright sucky sometimes and I would bet money on the fact that people read your often grouchy responses and dont bother with this site again. Then they never learn what is the "proper" way to keep these animals.
omg i cant believe some of the bloody abuse ppl come out with, ive just sat here and read this, and honeythorne u need to seriously chill, walk away from your computer

Tbh 1gallon isnt ideal, but ppl have kept bettas in tanks this size for many years without problems, and it boils down to personal perference

In line with u saying if the OP hasnt got room for a bigger tank then they shudnt keep one at all, I feel this is extremely unfair to say the least, im sure plenty of people here havent really got the room for the amount of tanks they have, but make do with what they have, and not every1 is blessed with lots of space

The OP came here for advice, not a lecture, and again with info on betta's, not all the info available is correct and sometimes we make mistakes, i once had my girls in with a male, thru sheer lack of knowledge and misguidance. Im sure uve made mistakes, not every1 is perfect

Its such a shame that people like urself have to be all rude and jump down others throats in the way u did, doesnt exactly make this place a desirable place to post when people are being bloody rude
If you don't have space for a big enough tank then you don't have space for the fish. And no, 1 gallon is not ok for a minimum . Read again what I put about the living conditions in the wild, which is what people keeping them in 1 gallon "tanks" should be looking at, instead of listening to badly trained/misinformed pet shop employees who simply want to sell you a blob of life regardless of how you keep it.

hey i know!!! why dont we all get a 10,000 litre tank and grow a rice paddy in it, then we have the absolutely perfect environment for our bettas and you cant abuse people.

just because you have a strong opinion on something and you have reasearched how betta live in the 'WILD' does not mean that your aggressive ranting is the holy law of how betta should be kept.

mabey if you researched anything on how 'DOMESTICATED' bettas live in 'CAPTIVITY', you would know that they are raised in their thousands in small containers of water, and one gallon of water, is sufficiant for most males, and MANY MANY live healthy long lives in them.

get off your soap box and try removing that chip from your shoulder....
Hey now guys , this bickering Isn't helping the OP solve ny thing, and I'm sure she never intended this thred to head this direction.

We ALL seriously need to drop this, I'm pretty sure the OP is fully aware at the moment that she had a smaller than ideal tank, shes fixed that, and is trying to get information to help her boy live a better life, but she's not going to get it with every one pitching fits ate eachother.

Honey , just calm down, and breath.

blue_betta, though I do love sarcasim , this isnt the place.

2BlackCats, I would really reccomend one of these filters

they have an ajustable flow setting, and are an hang-on-the-back filter so no space is taken up.

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