Help ! Two Botia Kubotai Are Beating Each Other Up!


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Mar 31, 2005
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Norfolk, UK
I walked past my tank this morning (on my way to work) and saw my two Botia Kubotai acting strangely.
At first I thought they were just playing, but then on closer inspection, they were beating the living daylights out of each other well and truly !

They've lived together for the past 18 months or so and are approx 4" each. I haven't changed anything in the tank. I haven't added any fish for months and no fish have even died for a long time either (so it's not like a new "prime housings spot" has just become available and they're now fighting over it).

They are both looking totally battered and bruised and were really going for it big time.

Unfortunately I really didn't have time to do anything about it as I was literally on my way out the house and running late as it was.

I dread the thought of what I'm potentially facing when getting home :(

What causes this sort of behaviour ? How do I rectify it (if they are still alive)

Do I need more of them ?
they were playing. sometimes this "play" gets very rough.
I'm sure all will be fine when you get home.
don't worry too much for now.
Thanks Wolf. Well that's what I thought at first because they always used to play together a lot. But the one is looking severely beaten up - though they are both almost viciously chasing and "biting" each other. The one that looks most beaten up was breathing very fast and actually looked stressed :(

All other fish in the tank are hanky dory and absolutely fine and chilled out.
I'll do water tests when I get home, but that tank is stable as solid rock and it's been approx 3 weeks since there external Eheim filter was last cleaned - but a few days since the last gravel vac and water change. So I'm not expecting anything to do with water quality :/

I'll report back tonight, but in the mean time I just wanted to check if this sort of behaviour is known or sounds like something specific might have triggered it ?
it is a faily common thing to happen
Taken from
During the day, these loaches spend much time lounging around, laying on tank decor and equipment, but every now and then, they get annoyed at someone and you will see them spiraling around in a battle dance. The following are links to the battle between a striata and the kubotai.

Note you will need something on your PC that allows the viewing of .MOV files
like windows player, real player etc.
Thanks for those links ! That's exactly what they were doing :eek:
I've never seen them "act" that aggressive before it was really worrying !
Well hopefully when I return tonight all is well :)
Do you have only two botia or are there others in the tank?
In larger groups aggression like this is more spread out and so there is less damage done to individuals but if kept in pairs or even in trios one fish gets over powered and bullied by the dominant fish, this is especially worse if they are both males.
If you do only have the two i would strongly suggest adding at least another 3 Botia of the same or a similar sized species to spread aggression out.
:/ yeah I only have the two Botia - and a lone little Kuhli in that tank (what loaches are concerned).
I'm not entirely sure if I have space for more bottom dwellers though. I have plenty of wood, Amazon plants and hiding spaces though.

In my Vision 180 I already have 1 adult pictus (4.5"), 1 L200, 1x CAE (3.5") and 1 little USD catfish.

Perhaps I can take the USD catfish back as I don't think it's entirely happy on it's lonesome - though it has been a bachelor for about 3 years now.

But I'd be reluctant to get rid of the CAE because it's been so peaceful - though Wholesale Tropicals said I can take it in to them if it becomes a problem.

What to do, what to do ?
If it were me
I'd return the USD
and add two more botias, not nessicarily polkadots
I have found that all botias mix well together

I don't think that adding two yoyos or clowns would work in that size tank.
but that still leaves you with many to choose from.
If Terry has them in stock why not get two
B.rostrata (twostripped loach aka sgt major loach)
Thanks I'll go and check tomorrow to see if he has those in (that will be the third time this week then - rubbing his hands in glee I'm sure!). I know he has Botia Kubotai, but at £10 each they're not exactly cheap, though they are good sized beautiful fish.

To be honest, I'm not a fan of clown loaches anyway (runs to hide as I know they have quite a cult following!) so will check and see what else he has available.
are you home from work yet?
is everythnig ok now?
uhm I only got home at around 1am and wasn't really in a state to check on them - in fact I completely forgot about them :look:

BUT I'm pleased and very relieved to say, that when I checked on them first thing this morning, they were best buds again and chilling out together entirely peacefully :D No sign of stress or rapid breathing or "beaten up" look. As though nothing had ever happened before :sly:

I'm definitely going to get some friends for them though and will drop by Terry's on Friday to see what they currently have in. I might just go for some of the same though as I know they have some similar sized ones in at the moment. But I'll keep an eye out for anything else (suitably) interesting.
That's good to hear Bloo :thumbs:

I'm sure Terry will be pleased to see you again
(cha ching :lol: )
did you get any more loaches?
did you get any more loaches?
haha funny you asked that - just today I went and got 1 more Kubotai :D
They didn't have anything else I was really interested in today (*). I'll add another pair of loaches of some other kind soon. And then I think I'm maxed out for bottom feeders.
Hope they all get along well - but it's another couple of hours before I can get it home.

(I rehomed the USD catfish in the mean time) and also some of my single tetras that really need a school, but over time have died off -_-

so mucho space in the tank again !

Edit (*) actually that's a lie - "any loaches that could fit the bill" I meant. They had *lots* of other fish I was interested in !

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