New Member
I NEED HELP!! I've had my betta, Frank, since last March. He is the coolest fish. He has his very own personality. Whenever I go home from college, I bring him with me. I have a travel cup (the cup he came in) and he is fine for the 5 hour drive. I put him in the backseat cup holder so the air doesn't blow on him the whole time, and the second I get home I switch him to his normal bowl, which is a 2 liter vase. There are rocks on the bottom (the shiny half-circle ones that are at the pet store) and a "betta garden" flower plant thing (not real). Exactly one week ago today I got back up to school after winter break and switched him back into his bowl and he seemed okay at first, and then this past Thursday he started acting weird. He isn't swimming around like normal (usually very active) he has just been hanging out at the surface. I don't think he has the swim bladder thing i've read about because he isn't on one side or the other and I don't think I over feed him. I am guilty of feeding too many blood worms (I give him about 3 every other day). I started him off with pellets and I heard they liked blood worms so I switched and now I think he's spoiled. Whenever I try to feed him pellets he won't eat them, I feel bad, and end up giving him blood worms. I do water changes at least once a week, usually more- whenever I see the film on the top. He doens't have a tank lamp, persay, but there is a lamp with a low-wattage bulb on the same table as he is and that stays on when it's cooler outside (his bowl is on the opposite side of the room from the window). When the sun shines in the window onto a different counter (usually for about an hour every afternoon) I move him over there because the sun seems to cheer him up and he fans his tail out more, etc. Except lately that hasn't been working. He has been staying at the surface, not really moving, with his mouth against the surface of the water and his body hanging down almost vertically below him. When I wiggle the bowl (usually he goes nuts) he doesn't move except his mouth moves a little. I tried feeding him (usually he knows when it's feeding time, he gets excited and starts swimming around the bowl- weird, I know) and he didn't even go towards the food when I dropped it in the bowl. He just isn't being himself. I don't know if maybe it's his time to go, if it's possibly from the bloodworms too often- maybe he just doesn't feel well? Or if there is something I can do to "revive" him. I don't think it's anything with his environment, I'm really aware of when he needs to be cleaned, fed, etc. I constantly check his water temperature the old fashion way- stick my finger in. I don't know how much thermometers are, but poor college students don't really jump to buying extra things.
I'm sorry it's so long, I just really don't want him to die. I know he's "just a fish", but he's my fish, and I don't want to be doing something that could kill him. PLEASE HELP FRANK!!!
Thank you!! Have a great day!
I'm sorry it's so long, I just really don't want him to die. I know he's "just a fish", but he's my fish, and I don't want to be doing something that could kill him. PLEASE HELP FRANK!!!
Thank you!! Have a great day!