Help Setting Up My New Marine Tank

specific gravity can be very regional , with some areas of the red sea being even higher than your reading.....if the water is coastal collected this could be the local gravity....sometimes when being kept to be containered, especially in your climate, enough evaporation can occur to concentrate the salt'll soon find out how often fresh water top ups are required to maintain a balanced sg in this game,lol....
check with your lfs what sg they run as if buying fish their they will acclimatise to your set up a lot easier

ps..... I have ran systems at an sg of 1.032 before , but a close eye has to be kept on these higher levels to avoid the sg going sky high if regular fresh water top ups are missed...this is when an auto top up unit is very handy to accquire
As for the salinity, have you calibrated or verified your salinity measuring device? This could be off too... The good news is, dropping salinity is simple, just add purified water :)

As for the rock, you may or may not be awake to read this, but as soon as you do, just get it into the water, don't wait on it.

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