Help Required - Electricity Being Cut


New Member
Dec 6, 2006
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I wonder if anyone has any tips for me to keep the temperature in my tank.

I have had a letter through the post saying that the local electricity company will be powering down our service for 6 hours this Thursday, I am worried that the temp in the tank will drop too far, are there any tips for keeping the temperauture, I will be at work so won't be able to do anything during the day.

I am also worried about the filter being off for this amount of time, just looking for reassurances that this will be ok.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Is it a large or small tank? small tanks lose heat quicker than larger tanks...
what most ppl reccomend is wrapping a blanket around/over the tank to keep the heat up

if your filter is internal it should be ok aslong as its kept wet
external filter im not sure about...

somebody with far more experience will be along shortly to help you tho :)
It is a 200l tank, external filter, I have read about putting a duvet round it, does that really work?
It is a 200l tank, external filter, I have read about putting a duvet round it, does that really work?

It will help. over 6 hours, the temp drop shouldn't really come into play. If in doubt put you central heating onto the max so the house temp is really high as well, that way less heat dissaptes from the tank. Plus as it is a gradual drop, most fish can survive for that length of time (a friend had his power off for most of christmas, yet hadly noticed any change in his fish, they just became a bit more docile)

I'm not sure about the filter either, even though the media would be sat in tank water it wouldn't have any flow over it. Someone else should be able to help on that. Pos battery powered airpump to keep water circulating?
could you wrap the tank in silver foim then a duvet to keep the warmth in?
that size of tank should be ok, just keep your heating on. years ago my gran stayed and being old switched all the plugs off and my tank had not heater for the weekend and that was only a 2ft tank and didn't cause any problems
The heating obviously wont be on as I will have no electric, I will wrap the tank in a duvet.

Are there any things I can do with the filter, being an external filter the media will always be submersed in water, will I need to do anything else?
Every hour pour some tank water into the filter as it will raise the oxygen level which the bacteria need to survive.

Wrap tank in blankets, and if necassary get some fish bags and float them in the tank with some warm water.
If your filter has a priming pump, you can use that to move some water through the filter every little while and it will help keep the oxygen levels up in the filter.

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