Fish Herder
I found it very useful marnold! I appreciate the explanation, especially because I was super confused by the api chart on the PH and High Range PH.
I try to absorb as much as I can from this site but like I've said before I don't have a very scientific brain and it's rough for me to understand.
I do write it all down in a journal so I can keep track.
When I was cycling I had a ginormous chart that I kept on the wall and wrote on everyday. It helped me a lot.
And I thought I was all set on the RO and or distilled water but Byron pointed out that would be depleting my plants and crustaceans of needed minerals.
So I am letting a bucket of tap sit out ....
I will test for ammonia, ph and nitrates and nitrites ....
then I will treat with prime and see what I have.
If it's just low PH from there I will look into fish that will do well in that ph area (although I'm not sure there are any small enough ....I only have a 6 gallon fluval edge. I chose endlers because of their size and fun energetic nature).
If it's more than just the PH maybe I will go forward with RO and or Distilled but add in a mineral source...I think some have said that the Seachem Flourish will do.
I try to absorb as much as I can from this site but like I've said before I don't have a very scientific brain and it's rough for me to understand.
I do write it all down in a journal so I can keep track.
When I was cycling I had a ginormous chart that I kept on the wall and wrote on everyday. It helped me a lot.
And I thought I was all set on the RO and or distilled water but Byron pointed out that would be depleting my plants and crustaceans of needed minerals.
So I am letting a bucket of tap sit out ....
I will test for ammonia, ph and nitrates and nitrites ....
then I will treat with prime and see what I have.
If it's just low PH from there I will look into fish that will do well in that ph area (although I'm not sure there are any small enough ....I only have a 6 gallon fluval edge. I chose endlers because of their size and fun energetic nature).
If it's more than just the PH maybe I will go forward with RO and or Distilled but add in a mineral source...I think some have said that the Seachem Flourish will do.