Help Re: Fish.


New Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Brief background:
Newbie fishkeeper, badly advised as to tank set up, haven't cycled, just let it run with aqua safe/filter start for a week and introduced stock after the week. Stock is currently 4 neon tetras and a siamese fighter (male).

My Siamese fighter is NOT happy.
He hangs around the top of the tank, doesn't seem interested or able to swim down the tank. He's recently (tonight) taken to hiding under the filter sort of flopping about at the top on his side kind of.. before returning the right way up. In general I'm getting a 'not happy' feeling from his actions/general being..

I'm guessing I've hit a problem with the cycling and there is something not right in my water.
Plan to pick up a kit and test it tomorrow for levels.

is there ANYTHING I can do?
I think hes gonna die :(
I am not an expert but I reckon that doing a water change to reduce the ammount of ammonia/nitrite in your tank is a good idea. Keep doing really frequent water changes until the tank has cycled.

Read the page on cycling as it is v helpful.

Hope it works out for him.
I am not an expert but I reckon that doing a water change to reduce the ammount of ammonia/nitrite in your tank is a good idea. Keep doing really frequent water changes until the tank has cycled.

Read the page on cycling as it is v helpful.

Hope it works out for him.

Forgot to say, did a 10% water change (6L) today.
How often should I do it? :(
Everyday I would think, water changing is stressful for the fish but not nearly as bad for them as having poisonous water!

I think that your fish will be hiding under the filter as that is where the cleanest water comes from so you'll need to keep up with the changes, as in this situation they are left prone to getting other diseases.

( I had a similar experience to you with my first fish and an overstocked tank, and the poor water quality was a slippery slope to the appearance of other bad things. You should check up on the type of filter you have too as I was using hte one which came with the tank and it wasn't powerful enough which was another bad contributing factor.)
If I were you I'd buy a test kit and post up your results I am also a newbie and invested in a test kit and it really helps you keep an eye on what is happening It will most likely be your ammonia so try the water changes I am at that stage too.
Brief background:
Newbie fishkeeper, badly advised as to tank set up, haven't cycled, just let it run with aqua safe/filter start for a week and introduced stock after the week. Stock is currently 4 neon tetras and a siamese fighter (male).


My Siamese fighter is NOT happy.
He hangs around the top of the tank, doesn't seem interested or able to swim down the tank. He's recently (tonight) taken to hiding under the filter sort of flopping about at the top on his side kind of.. before returning the right way up. In general I'm getting a 'not happy' feeling from his actions/general being..

I'm guessing I've hit a problem with the cycling and there is something not right in my water.
Plan to pick up a kit and test it tomorrow for levels.

is there ANYTHING I can do?
I think hes gonna die :(

Yup, sounds like bad water conditions. Betta fish can breath oxygen from the air, so if your betta at the top gasping for air thats a sure sign of bad water. I would say do 15-20% water changes DAILY! It's very important to be diluting the toxins in your water. Don't worry this is a very common mistake. I did it myself. How big is your tank? Do you have a heater? Pick up a water tester asap. Get liquid, the strips are not accurate. All you can do is keep up with water changes, and try keeping the lights off to help reduce stress. Don't use meds, Bettas are sensitive to many medications.

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