Help please

I use salt even in the tanks where I have my ADFs, my Cory Cats, and, when I had Ghost Shrimp, there, too. My Mystery Snails are also currently in a tank with salt. In fact, everybody is except the newts.

Small doses of salt usually won't do any harm...just dissolve it BEFORE it gets in the tank, rather than pouring salt crystals into the tank.
I'm glad to hear you say that. I had been putting it in when I had my plec and then found out I shouldn't but it never seemed to bother him. I did always dissolve it in my dechlorinated water before I put it in and I used about 1/2 the dosage recommended. Hmmmm...never had any problems when I was doing that.
I've had my frogs for several months, my Cory Cats for I think even longer, and they've never shown any ill effects from the salt. The only time they've been with me WITHOUT salt was when they were living with no other fish, and it was just them. Added fish, added salt.

So I think you'd probably be fine.

As for the snails, they've been living in my fry tanks as my uneaten food janitors, and I always use salt there. Had them for well over a month now, and they've doubled in size, so I really don't think the salt has bothered them, either.

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