Help Please!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 3, 2008
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I have a Juwel 180 tank, all parameters are within normal limits (0 ammonia and nitrite, 5pmm nitrate), containing, Rasbora's, Cory's, 2 Alage Eaters (possibly Siamese), 2 Pearl Gouramies and, until very recently, 12 Guppies.

The thing is that over the last few weeks the Guppies have been disappearing at such an alarming rate that I now only have 2 left! They're not getting into the filters (I have an internal and an external filter) and, apart from one his morning, I'm not finding any bodies.

I've spoken to my LFS (who are honestly about as much use as a chocolate teapot) and they couldn't shed any light on the matter so I'm hoping you guys can.

I'm wondering if it's the Gouramies that are the culprit? I haven't seen any bullying or chasing going on but that doesn't mean that it isn't!

I am honestly stmped and completely desperate to figure out what's going on!

Any help and/or advice would be much appreciated.
Any sign of disease on the guppies before they go missing? How long have you had them? If they died of natural causes, the others would indeed eat them.
Any sign of disease on the guppies before they go missing? How long have you had them? If they died of natural causes, the others would indeed eat them.

No sign of disease at all. From what I can tell, they're perfectly healthy. They're eating and swimming ok and interacting with me when I maintain the tank, just like they always have done.

The tank's been up and running since about March with the fish added in May. The only thing different is the introduction of the lagae eaters about a month ago.
A good chance you have a disease in the tank. Have you had a look for any symptoms on the fish? They will straight in there if a fish has died !! :sick:
Guppies these days are very weak due to inbreeding for colour and such there immune system is very delicate, they seem to die much easier now and if they did the algae eaters would take care of any remains over night

On a second note: are THESE your algae eaters?
Guppies these days are very weak due to inbreeding for colour and such there immune system is very delicate, they seem to die much easier now and if they did the algae eaters would take care of any remains over night

On a second note: are THESE your algae eaters?

I'd heard that but they seemed to be doing so well. Do you think it would be better to have a Guppy only tank? Because I have a tank at the moment that's not being used for anything and is looking very empty.

Having looked at the fish and then gone through the pictures in the catfish section, I'm starting to actually think they're Plecs of some sort. Unfortunately, I don't have a digital camera that works at the moment (waiting for a new charger) so I can't attempt to take a picture of them. If they are Plecs, is it possible they are still responsible for my diminishing population?

how long had you had them? i try to get mine from local breeders or breed my own, they seem so much hardier then.

if they are plecos they would eat any dead but wouldn't actively hunt them down if you get me
how long had you had them? i try to get mine from local breeders or breed my own, they seem so much hardier then.

I think that's the best way; my LFS won't buy them from the usual places, they only take them from local breeders.

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