Help Please


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Helensburgh Scotland
Hi I have just purchased a 2ft tank with filter and heater and was basically wondering what the best are the best fish to have as a begginer, i am due to go and pick the tank up tomorrow or wednesday so could someone please offer some advice please thank you very much

you need to cycle your tank first keith, unless you have already done that??

what is cycling your tank

as a guess is it just make sure everything runs and adjusts so water levels are adjusted a guess

also what fish would be recommended as it is only a small tank 2x1x1 ft i have always liked the neon ones as they are bright and seem really active.

i would have liked a clown fish(nemo) but are lead to believe that they are fresh water fish is this also true.

is there any fish keeping clubs or assosciations in scotland does anybody know?
you need to cycle your tank first keith, unless you have already done that??

what is cycling your tank

as a guess is it just make sure everything runs and adjusts so water levels are adjusted a guess

also what fish would be recommended as it is only a small tank 2x1x1 ft i have always liked the neon ones as they are bright and seem really active.

i would have liked a clown fish(nemo) but are lead to believe that they are fresh water fish is this also true.

Cycling a tank is basically establishing the bacteria needed to break down fish waste/plant matter... if you don't cycle, the waste matter will build up and your fish will suffer/ can either do it by initially introducing a couple of hardy fish (a bit cruel imo) or do a 'fishless cycle - much better - search the forum for 'rdd1952's excellent, easy to follow article. You could also take some existing gravel and/or some filter media from an established tank and put it in your new tank - it will help speed up the cycling process (known as cloning). You will also need Ammonia, Nitr'I'te, Nitr'A'te and PH test kits...

I guess your tank is around 18 gallons? Imo you could have 10 Neon Tetras in there...

Clown fish are Marine (saltwater) - not Freshwater fish...
you need to cycle your tank first keith, unless you have already done that??

what is cycling your tank

as a guess is it just make sure everything runs and adjusts so water levels are adjusted a guess

also what fish would be recommended as it is only a small tank 2x1x1 ft i have always liked the neon ones as they are bright and seem really active.

i would have liked a clown fish(nemo) but are lead to believe that they are fresh water fish is this also true.

Cycling a tank is basically establishing the bacteria needed to break down fish waste/plant matter... you can either do it by initially introducing a couple of hardy fish (a bit cruel imo) or do a 'fishless cycle - much better - search the forum for 'rdd1952's excellent, easy to follow article. You will also need ammonia, Nitr'I'te, Nitr'A'te and PH test kits...

I guess your tank is around 18 gallons? You could have 10 Neon Tetras in there - if there are no other fish...

Clown fish are Marine - not Freshwater fish...

what do you mean hardy fish ??

are neon tetras the small ones about 2-3 cm's long
As a new person I would also recommend you do a fishless cycle.
It's the only way and everyone well nearly everyone talks of it's importance.
If you can hold off buying fish and research setting up your tank then all your worries will be over quicker.
There is a lot of posts and I would be rish if I could get a £1 for everyime they ask
have you cycled your tank.

There is also many topics on it here to search.

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