thank you all, my fish are all feeling better now. :D . I spotted that molly right when it started having ich but i was already too late, the day after i took out that molly , all my other fishes started having ich so i just put the molly back in the big tank. And i used the anti ich stuff on the fish. Now almost all the white spots are gone. But one of the black balloon mollies are acting a little wierd, it seems to be going up to any other fish and just start swimming upwards , it olike stays in one place but tilts itself upwards??!! Is it sick or is it just trying to mate with the other fishes??? :unsure:
pls correct me if wrong but isnt ICH IN EVERY TANK
just needs to be trigerd

like cancer its in the body doesnt harm you untill its triggerd off then becomes harmfull

so if ich is in the tank by treating the tank with the fish that wasnt sick wouldnt if have been better for them as it would kill any ich that is there

i dont know im sure i read this on the net but if im wrong pls let me know and i wont treat my tank with it if 1 fish is ill
ich or white spot is caused by parasites which exit through the fishes skin. It is true that these parasites are always there, the fishes immune system is keeping them in check. However, if the fishes immune system is lowered, normally caused by stress, poor water quality etc. these parasites take hold. They rupture the fish skin leaving a white spot. The parasites are then free floating and looking for another host. It is in this stage treatment can be used. The life cycle of the parasite is speeded up by increasing the water temp. Raise the temp. as high as possible and this alone may be enough to kill the floating parasites. I have successfully treated white spot with Interpet's White Spot Cure. Be sure to remove any carbon.

Preventative treatments may be used but may cause more problems in the long term i.e. the diseases may build up a resistance to the remedy and when a problem does occur it will be very hard to treat.

Good luck

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