Ugh, tank looks rotten, so big overhaul planned again next week when my folks are here on holiday so I can sink my teeth into it without child disturbances!
Sorry if this has been asked elsewhere, but I've only got 10mins to myself so haven't had a chance to have a read up but has anyone any experience with using a product called exel? -( to rid bba) any success?
I would rather not have to fork out on a load more plants, but tank look awful atm so will do anything!
I dose daily ferts of chelated trace. I have also noticed high nitrates, and did a 35% water change last night to not much change?? I use RO water too so no nitrates in water. Could bba inhibit a plants ability to use the nitrates in the water?
Sorry if I've missed anything have to go now, just thought I'd get this thread going if anyone has any suggestions before I get back - thanks in anticipation