Help Please _ Tank / Stocking Query - Upgrade Tank


Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2008
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I have a 4ft x 12x15 tank, however i am obtaining a second tank next week from my Dad. This new tank is 5ft x15x18

Which of the following fish would you place together or are all ok in the bigger tank?

3 zebra loach, 1 kuhli loach, 1 red tailed black shark, 1 yellow malawi cichlid, 1 blue acara, 1 krib, 2 keyholes, 2 angel, 1 plec, 1 festivum, 3 odessa barb, 4 tiger barb, 3 molly
also wanting a ram, a jewel cichlid, 1 firemouth

Please help

Thanks V Much
I have a 4ft x 12x15 tank, however i am obtaining a second tank next week from my Dad. This new tank is 5ft x15x18

Which of the following fish would you place together or are all ok in the bigger tank?

3 zebra loach, 1 kuhli loach, 1 red tailed black shark, 1 yellow malawi cichlid, 1 blue acara, 1 krib, 2 keyholes, 2 angel, 1 plec, 1 festivum, 3 odessa barb, 4 tiger barb, 3 molly
also wanting a ram, a jewel cichlid, 1 firemouth

Please help

Thanks V Much
You've got a weird selection of mixed fish..try going for a species tank containing only cichlids etc..

Most of the fish there like to shoal or prefer to be kept in groups of 5 or more such as the zebra loaches,
tiger barbs, kuhli loaches, odessa barbs, mollys, angels etc..

I wouldn't reccomend keeping cichlids with the other fish already in your tank as they are mostly agressive
and when they get bigger they might start attacking and eating the smaller fish in your tank.

hope this helped a bit.
keyhole, kribensis, angel, festivum & molly in one tank. Other cichlids in 2nd tank. Barbs can go in either tank but might nip the angel.
Don't waste your time with a jewel cichlid coz they are nasty and will cause problems to small or peaceful cichlids.
Sharks, loaches, catfish can go in either tank.
Maybe get rid of the yellow malawi and if you want rams then get rid of the kribensis.

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