Help needed in reducing Nitrate (N03)


New Member
Apr 23, 2005
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My setup is 2 weeks old and as follows

36" wide
17" deep
24" high

filled with RO water
2 x Fluval 304 filters media inside consists of Carbon,Pre filters, Rowphos, polyfilter,Ceramic cylinders

I also have a Deltec Mce 600 with a filter box containing Rowphos

3 x maxijet 900 connected to a wavemaker

20kg of fiji live rock

1 x small red legged hermet crab

here are my water readings

KH 10.4
PH 8.2
NO2 .01
NO3 50/60
CU 400
MG 1035
PO4 0.25
SG 1.024

How can I get my Nitrate (NO3) level down is there any filteration I can use either in my skimmer or fluval to help reduce this?

Thanks :/
Are you using tap water or RO/DI water to fill and top off your tank? If you're using tap water, I'd suggest switching to RO water as that will head off any algae problems from the phosphates in the tap water as well as help with your nitrates.
Tank was originally setup using tap water but has now been replaced with RO after I purchased a 6 stage RO filter
sound like your tank hasent completly cycled yet give it another 2 weeks then take a reading hopefully all should be ok if so then you can start adding fish :)

admin please delete this one please
Ok thanks

I,ve added another pollyfilter to my skimmer to try and help it

also 1 more question I purchased 20kg of live cured fiji rock I have noticed over the past few days that some of the rock has started to get what I can only describe as a white dust sprinkling over it -_- what could this be is it bad news good news or not important ?

Sounds to me like LR dieoff...... How long (if at all) was it out of the water?
parker313 said:
Sounds to me like LR dieoff...... How long (if at all) was it out of the water?
1/2 hour maximum was wrapped in damp paper whilst transporting the rock has been in the tank over a week and this has only happened within the past 48 hours infact since i added my skimmer could it be the skimmer aireating the water to much? or could it be the no3? the live rock seems to have plenty of life on it there are loads of fan worms on it :sad:
dont worry about whats dying off it will all come back soon, also i think a poly filter is only ment to take out nutrients not nitrates though i could be wrong as ive never used them ;)
just done another water test

PH is at 8.2
AMMONIA is at 0
NITRITE is at 0.05
NITRATE is even higher than yesterday and is reading top of the scale high range = 250 p.p.m and low range is reading 50 p.p.m

is this the end of the cycle? is it normal
so I dont need to do a water change yet ? and will the nitrate disappear on its own?

Craig...go look at my thread ...I have a pic of what that white stuff is. That IS coralline algae die off. Don't fret....mine is almost gone and being replaced by new stuff. Hang in...this is tough work on the initial start up. I just found one spot of bubble algae which is a hitchhiker you don't want. Good luck. SH
Ok heres my latest test results

KH 10.4
PH - 8.1 - 8.2
NO2 - 0.00
NO3 - 20/30
CU - 425
MG - 1035
PO4 - 0.00
SG - 1.024

Nitrates are still a bit high but phosphates,nitrites,aammonia have eventually gone to 0.00.
Also i have started to notice alot of life on my live rock so far ive seen 2 x stomatella snails 1 x what looked like a 3 legged starfish (lol) and loads and loads of bugs, also there is alot of corals sponges just starting to appear on my rock, but also there is a fair bit of algea

would a 20% water change help at this stage?
also does it seem like ive come to the end of the cycle?

+ any other tips you might have, I only have a very small reg legged crab in there at the moment

Thanks looks like you cycled. Do a 25% water change to help bring those nitrates down/ The fact that your starting to see more life supports this. SH
Has anybody yet to notice the canister filters when it comes to canisters they are known for nitrAte factories I would probaly suggest loosing them. And using a wet/dry system.

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