4X2X18 New Marine Setup Diary

Looks like a sponge to me

Cool.. Its latched onto front of the glass.. been there since around 10pm.. I'll be glad once this cycling is ova.. nowt worse then waiting!!
that looks alot like aptasia and (maybe just me but doesnt look like sponge to me) get another id as im 99% sure its aptasia

that looks alot like aptasia and (maybe just me but doesnt look like sponge to me) get another id as im 99% sure its aptasia


yip aptasia it is.. When i got home i had a good look.. :crazy:
Been couple days since i tested... Thought i'd give me test kit a break...

PH :8.3
KH :7
NH4+NH3 :0.5mg/L
NO2 :0mg/L
NO3 :10mg/L
PO4 :0mg:L
Cu :0mg/L
Ca :380mg/L

Ammonia will not budge!!!! At least the nitrite's have gone, I can a slight smell of dead sea water.. Did a 10% water change... Will do another tomorrow.

Sides of the tank are going green, and a rock that had a slight amount of moss on it has grew nicely.. I'll shift that somewhere else so that cannot be eaten.

Any tips on how to increase KH? I have a buffer that increases the PH and KH.. Im wondering if i should get the desired KH and then just let the PH drop naturally? Then i'll have to hit the calcium level.. Poor PH!
What level is your magnesium best to get mag right first

Out of curosity which salt are you using ?
What level is your magnesium best to get mag right first

Out of curosity which salt are you using ?

Red Sea Coral Pro - Level Currently at 1.023

I`ve recently read upon Magnesium playing somewhat an important factor. I am going to buy a test kit now and an addiitive in case my Salt has not got enough Mag in it.. Though im sure or hope it should. This salt isnt cheap, in fact im sure its the dearest.. but i guess price is name based not normally due to quality.

I`ll take a test within the next 2 hours.
I know red sea dump a load of CA in that salt but I am unsure if they do anything with the mag I am also sure that red sea basically evaporate salt water and add a few other elements.
I know red sea dump a load of CA in that salt but I am unsure if they do anything with the mag I am also sure that red sea basically evaporate salt water and add a few other elements.

The lfs advised today this salt normaly has amples amount of both..

Test was done and i calculate that i get 1200ppm of Mag.. So i guess it aint really that bad even though its still lower than recomended. So i have purchased Gro Tech (Mag pro), to be placed in a reactor, preferably a calcium reactor.. Though i dont see it being an issue being placed in tights into the external, or a 2nd DIY reactor..
1200 is low I would buffer it up to 1350 and I bet your KH will raise and worry about the reactor once you have corals using it.

I would be tempted to mix up a small batch of salt 1 litre RO and 35g of Salt and test the mag in that
1200 is low I would buffer it up to 1350 and I bet your KH will raise and worry about the reactor once you have corals using it.

I would be tempted to mix up a small batch of salt 1 litre RO and 35g of Salt and test the mag in that

I will do this and post the results :good:
1200 is low I would buffer it up to 1350 and I bet your KH will raise and worry about the reactor once you have corals using it.

I would be tempted to mix up a small batch of salt 1 litre RO and 35g of Salt and test the mag in that

I will do this and post the results :good:

Results came back in at 1400 :hey:
hmmm.. im tempted to introduce miracle mud.. without a 2nd tank.. as i simply have no were to place one.. Im woundering if its possible to pass water though a 2 litre empty bottle that has miracle mud inside, where the tank water rushes over the mud rather than though it and back out.. i may even tube up 2 or 3 bottles up with sponge to stop debris in each bottle before it reaches into the tank..

Looking at these miracle mud setups.. the water even though will seap thru the bottom.. the secenrio is just the same aint it?
There is someone on line selling Miracle Mud hang on setups might be worth looking at them maybe be able to make one to be honest they are quite easy :)
There is someone on line selling Miracle Mud hang on setups might be worth looking at them maybe be able to make one to be honest they are quite easy :)

hang on setups? now that wud be better than fiddling!.. I have read a lot that tank is needed.. its writtin the packaging also..

Im gonna consider also using a empty reactor i have that all it has is sponge and two seperaters. Slowly run the water thru it.. and i may drip it back in the tank. I have a feeling its gonna be murky has hell.. I will drip it in to ne on the safe side,i can imagine this bumping the tank with additives quite quickly.

But then me 2ltr bottles could be a better idea.. i guess try each one!

Just looked at those hang ons...... £250!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok... i have placed miracle mud in a reactor, pic to follow and the flow is limited into the tank..

I have seen pics were [font="Verdana][size="-1"]caulerpa algae [/size][/font]is placed on the mud bed... but im guessing this is to combat nitrates.. As i have a nitrate reactor im sure i'll not need algae.. So maybe this reactor may just work... or maybe not!

we'll see...


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