Help My Molly


New Member
Sep 2, 2007
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I bought a dalmatian molly a while back and recently he has got big. I just bought a new angel fish some neons a kissing gurami catfish and some sort of shark? He keeps attacking them pinching there fins and ramming into them. Ive had to put him alone in a smaller tanks. What should or can do to stop him from doing this? :unsure:
tank size? PKG grow big, and get agressive, angelfish need taller big tanks (30 gallons is a good minimum i would say for angelfish) And the "shark" is either agressive or will grow very big.
tank size? PKG grow big, and get agressive, angelfish need taller big tanks (30 gallons is a good minimum i would say for angelfish) And the "shark" is either agressive or will grow very big.
I mean the molly is attacking the other fish
Is your shark black with a red caudal fin (tail)?

Is your tank cycled?

What size and volume is your tank?
Is your shark black with a red caudal fin (tail)?

Is your tank cycled?

What size and volume is your tank?
Yes the shark has red fins and the tank is cycled its quite big but the molly was aggresive before i bought the others
The molly might have phycologic problems.The same thing happend with my black molly i had 3 plattys and 3 cory catfish,the molly just kept bullying the other fish in the end i had to take it to the local fish shop for them to expose of it humainly :( so i think ether just wait and see what happens or exlude the fish in another tank or see if has a deseise,or expose of it.(i know its cruel but if it endangers the rest of your tank,its best) :good:
GET RID OF THE MOLLY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

i had a male and female molly in a tank with angels, a bristlnose, balas and guppys.....mollys, surprisingly are very agressive fin nippers.....

In total the mollys killed 6 angel fish and 1 guppy in the space of 3 weeks....the angels fins were kinda really thin....when usually they are long and blunt....they also had terrible bite marks across their bodys....poor things....

also, kissing gouramis are not community fish...the kissing is teritorial agression...

hope this helps...

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