Help My Fish Are Dying!


New Member
Aug 26, 2009
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I have a 240 litre tank which I am currently treating with Protozin for a seriously bad case of white spot but it doesn't seem to be working. I have been treating for about a week now and it looks like it is getting worse not better, I increased the water temperature but that hasn't helped and my angel fish have started hovering at the top of the tank bunched together in the corner, some of them have clamp fin but only showing minimal white spot, I tried removing shells and gravel etc incase that was effecting them and then last night I turned the temp back down incase it was that. This morning one my blushing angel is dead and one of the black angels is at deaths door, he is floating upside down and has a white slimy coat over its body and eyes.
Basically everything in the tank looks like its going to die and I don't know what to do. The black phantom tetra are listless and keep floating and the pictus catfish are lying on the bottom o the tank behind the plants. I tested the water yesterday and it is fine, 0 amonia, 0 nitrite, and the nitrate is around 20 which is ok according to the instructions. Ph is at 7.0. so I know its not that.

HELP ME PLEASE before everything dies. :crazy:
Was your tank cycled?
How long has it been up and running?

From the "Tropical Fish Emergency" Forum:
I know you already answered some of these :good:

Tank size:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
Was your tank cycled? I think so.
How long has it been up and running? 2 months

From the "Tropical Fish Emergency" Forum:
I know you already answered some of these :good:

Tank size: 240 litre
pH: 7
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 20
kH: I don't know what this is or how to test for it
gH: I don't know what this is or how I test for it
tank temp: 27 but I am start to increase it again.

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): angels are hovering at the top of the tank and have clamped side fins only mimimal white spots on the side fins though, some fin rot in these areas, I have also just noticed the black angels top and bottom fins atre turning a reddish colour. black phantom tetra are all peppered in white spots and some have clumpy white bits on them, two are floating about and keeping going upside down but every time I think they are dead they start swimming again. Black angel that died this morning was covered in white slime and was acting in a similar way to the black phantom. blue ram and clown loach are also peppered in white spots. bala shark does not appear to have white spot but tday seems to be acting weird.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Friday I did a 50% change but usually it ould be 20% weekly.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Sera water conditioner, Sera daily plant fertiliser, Tetra Easybalance, Protozin.

Tank inhabitants: origianlly before any deaths, 8 angels (5 black, 2 golden, 1 blushing) 10 black phantoms, 10 glowlights, 3 clown loach, 2 blue rams, 2 cockatoo rams, 2 pictus catfish, 1 bristlenose plec, 1 bala shark.

However I have now lost at least 3 black phantoms, 2 angels and 1 blue ram.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 2 blue rams moved from small tank, the white spot started after they went in the big tank.

Exposure to chemicals: only treatments put in the tank. However I have removed alot of the gravel and shells that were in the tank.

Digital photo (include if possible): I tried to upload the photos and it wasn't working properly.
I've just noticed the bala shark has a cloudy eye and keeps sort drifting then gets a mad spurt and zooms across the tank. One of the pictus cat fish is acting weird too it swimming vertically in the bubbles from the air stone.

I've just done a 20 % water change incase I stirred up any nasty stuff when I was removing the garavel and shells

I'm getting really concerned now. Is there anything else I can do?? Should I change anything in my filter? I cleaned the sponges in tank water and I've removed the carbon.

:shout: HELP please
When you say you have removed the carbon, have you only just removed it?.

If that's the case, then that would explain why the treatment hasn't worked, as carbon absorbs chemicals, including medications.
When you say you have removed the carbon, have you only just removed it?.

If that's the case, then that would explain why the treatment hasn't worked, as carbon absorbs chemicals, including medications.

No I removed the carbon before I started the treatment. It's awful I hate seeing them all so sick and distressed. I just don't know what else to do, I don't want to make things worse by adding something I shouldn't.
Is there enough aeration in the tank.
You need to raise temp back up.

Once whitespot affects the gills normally the fish dosn't make it.
Your fish might have a bacterial infection on top of the whitespot which parasites can cause.
Red fins can be septicemia.
Is there enough aeration in the tank.
You need to raise temp back up.

Once whitespot affects the gills normally the fish dosn't make it.
Your fish might have a bacterial infection on top of the whitespot which parasites can cause.
Red fins can be septicemia.

Thanks Wilder

I have a large air stone in their and the filter is also aggitating the water alot. I have turned the temp back up and it is now at between 28 and 29. I turned the light off but I'm not hopeful that there will be many survivors. the angels that are left are still hovering at the top and when they do occasionally move they are swimming like they have no control. the bala shark who is usually always at the front of the tank wanting to be fed is hiding in the corner and he has milky film over his eyes. He was fine yesterday and showed no signs of white spot. one of the clown loaches in hiding next to the airstone and one of the pictus catfish has spent all afternoon swimming vertically in the bubbles from the airstone.

I feel totally helpless, I don't know if there is anything that I can do to save them.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Especially for my bala shark, he's great and I REALLY don't want to lose him, well I really don't want to lose any of them but I will be soooo GUTTED if I can't at least save him.

Thanks Sarah
There not much more you can do really.
You can't mix bacterial meds with waterlife meds.
The only whitespot med you can use with a bacterial med is esha exit, and esha 2000.

Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in its own right.
Bad water quality.
Old age.
Poor diet.
There not much more you can do really.
You can't mix bacterial meds with waterlife meds.
The only whitespot med you can use with a bacterial med is esha exit, and esha 2000.

Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in its own right.
Bad water quality.
Old age.
Poor diet.

Thanks again Wilder. My frind had white spot in her tank and as she has shrimp she treated with Myxazin, I treated white spot in my small tank with this also as I have a small blue lobster in there and it seems to have worked. do you think it would be a good idea to wait a couple more days and start treating my big tank with this if it is likely there is now a bacterial infection on top of white spot or should I finish the treatment of Protozin which doesn't seem to be working? Also if I put the carbon back in the filter could I put the myxazin in any sooner?? I just really worried, I have lost another two black phantoms and another black Angel :angry: I just really don't want to lose my bala too, is the cloudy eye reversable if treated?
If you suspect your main tank has a bacterial infection treat.

Whitespot can take two rounds to get rid of it. I would go in with a second round of treatment.

I would run black carbon for a full day before adding the myxazin by waterlife as it has m green in it.
If you suspect your main tank has a bacterial infection treat.

Whitespot can take two rounds to get rid of it. I would go in with a second round of treatment.

I would run black carbon for a full day before adding the myxazin by waterlife as it has m green in it.

Thanks so much for your help. Last question, I have been looking up eye problems, and looking at the bala shark he is now swimming downwards in to the corner o the tank, his eyes are cloudy and bulging now, from what I read this is likely to be popeye or dropsey and is contagious, should I just accept he is a gonna and get him out before he infects any fish who may not have it or is it likely they will probably all have it now anyway and just try the myxazin after 24 hours with the carbon back in? Its been two days since I put protozin in.


Thanks, I have Melafix, so I am guessing I should be able to get pimafix. Is Pimafix for the bacterial infection? Could I use Melafix with the protozin as I already have that so I could put some in now or is that not a good idea? Thank you so much again for your help.
Not sure about using melafix with parasite meds. Only know you can use pimafix with parasite meds.
If you do use melafix I would only go in with half dose. Melafix is only good on external bacteria infection not internal.

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