Help! My Corys Have Laid Eggs...

Oh no...

A mass breakout overnight! The "trap" on the fry tank somehow was dislodged overnight. Anyway thought it was a bit strange that I only have 6 fries left in the tank, with no dead bodies. Then I notice a fry in the "sump" tank with the adults, so I duly recovered it. Only then did the penny drop. The trap was dislodged and there was a mass breakout. There weren't any other free swimming ones in the tank. Guess where they were hiding? Yes, the small flowerpots in the tank (see pic in previous post). Got them out by squirting water into the pot and out comes a few of them. Overall loss, 2. Found 1 dead body in the tank. The other is unaccounted for. I guess the one that died did so because it was stuck on the trap and couldn't quite make it back into the water in time. The second one probably became cory food! I'll keep an eye out for it.

Still, 12 is not a bad number. Hopefully no more losses from now on.

You may be better getting a clip on net breeder has opposed to a trap... at least they cant escape :rolleyes:
So frustrating!

I'm down to 5 now. All because they were trying to escape. Almost everyday I find one or two who got caught in the trap overnight and dies. Maybe net breeder is much better afterall... next time, there's always next time. :(

Off to get buy a net breeder today. Can't put the adult back yet as I have a snail infestation and most of my plants are dying.

At least my big tank is not leaking. It's definitely water leak from the condensation from the air pump.

Kind of given up on this batch to be honest. I'm not sure whether they are dead and then just floated to the outlet by themselves or they were trying to escape. I did save 2 from the trap one morning recently. Was going to get a breeding net but then not sure if it's worth the hassle. I have now put the rest of the fries in the mother tank with the adult corys. There's enough TetraWafer scraps for them to feed on. Hopefully they will make it. I will try again when my main tank in fixed... determined to get at least a couple to grow to adult hood before trying breeding other things that I have. My honey gourami males are almost permanatly in breeding stripe, or my odessa barbs might want to spawn as well!

The fry is still alive. I can only see one though... not sure where the others are. I don't think they have been eaten. Let's see how well they do...

...on the plus side, my pink ramshorn snail have bred, in the hospital tank! They were in there briefly for about 3 days then got moved out because someone said they might eat the eggs!


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