I tried that with the syringe, but it didn't work They were really stuck together. I managed to separate some others like that, but this last bunch, I ruined the good egg, sadly.I use a pipette, fits just over the bad egg and I try to suction the bad one from the clump. Or if that dont work, gently try to remove the bad egg from the bunch by hand, but its very delicate.
I tried that after the syringe failed, think that's how I ruined the good egg. Used the blunt end first to try to nudge them apart, but no joy, then think I ruined it when I tried the sharp end.You can get a pin or needle and just run it between the eggs
Next time, I'll take some deep breaths and try to do it by hand.
Mine do look like some of yours . Maybe theres hope yet . time will tell . I only found 17 .best of luck with yours and keep us updated .I'd love to have to baby Cory's but wasn't prepared
Hope some of yours make it! It's hard to tell in the first 24 hours when you're new to this, right? I think I'll be more ruthless tomorrow with any that still look white, but some I wasn't sure of, I left in, just in case. We are in the same boat then in not expecting this, and not being prepared! How did you store your eggs?