Help 中国 Me


:lol: 对不起,说什么军队鱼缸车辆

欧洲和美国很多人不喜欢别人展示他们的鱼。 但我爱我的油箱和鱼展示给大家!

:lol: 对不起,说什么军队鱼缸车辆

欧洲和美国很多人不喜欢别人展示他们的鱼。 但我爱我的油箱和鱼展示给大家!
Thank you ,i see.I guess you use the electronic dictionary. :lol:
I hope i can get some of the process of making pictures of large fish tank,can you help me find ?
Thank you ,i see.I guess you use the electronic dictionary. :lol:
I hope i can get some of the process of making pictures of large fish tank,can you help me find ?


^^^ 大量的网页。但是,这显示了一个人如何建立一个庞大的鱼缸。 ^^^
^^^ 太神奇了! ^^^

Am I finding the right pictures?
And I have not built my own tank yet, but I will! I just need more money :lol:
Thank you .is 好not 很好,我say 比sb|sth好,not say比 很好。开放大学?in china?
谢谢!在 英格兰. 对不起我不知道如何建立一个水族馆!
If I knew how to do it, I would gladly show you some pictures, but if I advised you you would end up with a large puddle on the floor!!
Hope you find how to do it
Carole x
^^^ 大量的网页。但是,这显示了一个人如何建立一个庞大的鱼缸。 ^^^
^^^ 太神奇了! ^^^

Am I finding the right pictures?
And I have not built my own tank yet, but I will! I just need more money :lol:
Thank you
can i ask you where are you ,i am china ,

Thank you .is 好not 很好,我say 比sb|sth好,not say比 很好。开放大学?in china?
谢谢!在 英格兰. 对不起我不知道如何建立一个水族馆!
If I knew how to do it, I would gladly show you some pictures, but if I advised you you would end up with a large puddle on the floor!!
Hope you find how to do it
Carole x
Thank you ,
I like very much !But i have no money to built than so big tank ... :hey: This is china Aquarium Forums .is about betta .you can see many many pictures!
Hello FreedomFighter.ARE you here ?Do you see the website of chinese betta .if you have some question,you can start a new
topic ,then many chinese will help you .
Where are you in China? I lived in Guangzhou (Canton) for a while when I was younger.

wo de zhongwen bu hao putonghua, zai guangzhou wo you yige zhongwen laoshi.

Wo mingbai pinyin

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