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FAQ is Frequently Asked Questions. These are answers to the questions most often asked, in an easy to find location.
FAQ is Frequently Asked Questions. These are answers to the questions most often asked, in an easy to find location.
thank very much ,can you show me some foreign(your country) big tank ,i want to make a big tank ,so i want study some foreign making tank
no help .....i have to sleep ,i have a english chass tomorrow 8:00 .hope a help tomorrow :)

Hey Freedom fighter, there is a large tank competition in the aquatic gardeners association and the tank pictures are posted on the aga website. This is an area very popular in the asian countries (many of the winners are coming from there) and a good niche of the hobby where lots of asian/western mixing is going on successfully. You might want to see if the pictures there would supplement the various good tank pictures on TFF since it seems that's one of the first questions this person seems to have. WD
Hey Freedom fighter, there is a large tank competition in the aquatic gardeners association and the tank pictures are posted on the aga website. This is an area very popular in the asian countries (many of the winners are coming from there) and a good niche of the hobby where lots of asian/western mixing is going on successfully. You might want to see if the pictures there would supplement the various good tank pictures on TFF since it seems that's one of the first questions this person seems to have. WD
Thank you .Can you give the links of the that... :blush: I am not good at english :D
你的英文比我的中文很好! 我今年学中文在开放大学,第一步. 欢迎来TTF
你的英文比我的中文很好! 我今年学中文在开放大学,第一步. 欢迎来TTF
Thank you .is 好not 很好,我say 比sb|sth好,not say比 很好。开放大学?in china?

cound you help me find some pictures that the course teach new people make tank
Thanks Waterdrop, good idea.


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Thanks Waterdrop, good idea.


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Thank you very much . we translate tank to 缸,鱼缸,sometimes we say tank is坦克,is a arms ,a big
your chinese is very good ,some of my foreign teachers not as good as you
may i ask you some question ?Do you dislike show your fish or pictures to others?You know ,our chinese like share our fish,
plant to every one .and we can learn how they feed their fish,what is the equipment they use

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