Help Make My Tank Look Better


Jan 7, 2009
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behind the decks/infront of the speakers

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what ever i do its looks crap

i know i need a better background ive got some slate tiles in the shed so might try something with them but what else can i do ive ordered some amazon swords for the back but atm its looks s**t :no:
Better background is definately needed...also get some real plants if thats ok with you..they make things look ALOT better...mayb a few rocks..caves..etc...It basically looks real empty atm.
Better background is definately needed...also get some real plants if thats ok with you..they make things look ALOT better...mayb a few rocks..caves..etc...It basically looks real empty atm.

i might take the dog out and go hunting for rocks ive ordered some amazon sword off ebay and some fertilizer one of them plants is real but ive only got a 15w tube
you could grow loads under that light, cryptocorynes, anubias, vallis.


have a look in the planted section of the close up of my real plant its starting to go brown i thought it was the light ive got some fertilizer on the way so maybe thats the problem

i might get some moss balls to replace the fake fern
I've got a similar tank to that and what you can do with them is endless.

Have a think about what sort of environment you want to create. If you want a modern zen like thing going on get either white or black gravel or mix both in to patterns. Red Plants also help with this look. At Pets at home you can get Simple ornaments or have a good scout about on the internet can trough up some interesting ideas.

In my tank i wanted to for a typical thing, skull (The little fish love it), Bog wood, and a resin ornament which looks like a mangrove root. For my back ground i got one from the LFS in all fairness now my plants have grown i don't really notice it. I am thinking about saving up and getting the 3D Juwel backgrounds.

Here are a few pictures of my tank... Pleas bear in mind its not the best looking in the world but it might help.

I've got a similar tank to that and what you can do with them is endless.

Have a think about what sort of environment you want to create. If you want a modern zen like thing going on get either white or black gravel or mix both in to patterns. Red Plants also help with this look. At Pets at home you can get Simple ornaments or have a good scout about on the internet can trough up some interesting ideas.

In my tank i wanted to for a typical thing, skull (The little fish love it), Bog wood, and a resin ornament which looks like a mangrove root. For my back ground i got one from the LFS in all fairness now my plants have grown i don't really notice it. I am thinking about saving up and getting the 3D Juwel backgrounds.

Here are a few pictures of my tank... Pleas bear in mind its not the best looking in the world but it might help.


nice tank

ive got a few ornements but after a while in there i thought the looked tacky so i wasted my money a bit

thing im going to get loads of big rocks at the back and going higher using smaller ones eachtime then just have a dark blue background

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