Update to this thread.....
So i dosed with Salt as
@Colin_T advised, Which has made a difference in the flicking & twisting has almost gone & no red blotches, The flicking happends now & again but no where near as bad.
I have done a few big water changes when i can & added salt loss, So things are looking good up to now. The Corys are still active as before so i dont think the salt has bothered them. Although 1 of my newly aquired Albinos seems to be sat on the bottom a lot of the time & wont join the others, Hes been sat on his own since i got him a few weeks ago
Going to try another week with the salt then maybe up the dosing to 2 Tablespoons per 20L .
If that fails then im going to use the Protozin, But the med is a last resort so will keep you updated