MBOU said:
I don't know what the cory *is* but my first thought when I saw photo was "it's definately not a trilineatus.. though does look very similar.."
It looks nothing like the Sodalis I have now or have ever kept... but then again... I don't know naff all about regional variations and if i think about it... i dont know 100% its Sodalis i even have
It is nice to have several people who 'know their stuff' in this section.... because identifying corys and other catfish seems to be far more difficult than any other group!
JenCliBee, I vaguely remember reading posts of yours about cories.. at least.. I know you... cant remember specific posts though! Do you have any fish at all at the moment?
Hi mate, get a pic up, will can have another friendly debate on there ID
..... i don't currently have any tanks nor any fish.... our third child was born about 4 weeks ago and with a loss of interest and trying to make a bit of space i decided to have a break for a while
..... i'm sure it wont be long before i'm back in the game... but for now, i'm enjoying a life free of tank maintenance
I meant no disrespect with my reply, but I can't see how it's possible that these aren't Trilineatus Corydoras. I own them, please explain what you see in the pictures that says it def. isn't. Seriously, I'd like to know what to look out for. Mine were sold to me as Julii Corries but I knew they weren't, I could see the reticulated patterns immediately. I know other types have these patterns but they lack the three lines, 2 light & 1 dark. The splotch on the dorsal & the overall shape of the body and fin length says C. Trilineatus. Coloration, everything.
No offense taken in the slightest mate, best way to explain would be through pictures tbh.....
Top 3 pics show a sodalis and the 4th a trili.....
First thing that's noticeable is body shape, the sods body is much deeper, plump and heavier.... where as the trili has a much slender/sleek body.
Secondly, have a look at the snout, in proportion to body size/depth, the sods nose is a lot more stout/stubby, the shape in it's self isn't all that different in that pic but you can still see the difference quite abit.
If you actually saw these fish in the flesh side by side, honestly you would see no comparison at all, i assure you
TBH, there is a distinct difference with these fish, i'm so surprised that so many people are actually comparing it to a trili, for me the patterning gives it away instantly but with the other aspects mentioned, its a for gone conclusion that it's 100% not a trili.
Hope that helps mate, the best way to compare is to google search both species and see what pops up, sods/rit's patterning can be so diverse where as the trili's pattern very rarely differs for your standard lfs brought stock, there is often a few with a completely spotted head but they don't turn up all that often.