Help - Ick!

In my readings I found out that there might be some strains of ich resistant to heat. Anyways, keep the heat up to about 86F (as long as your fish can stand it) and yes, 2 TBSP salt/5 gallons should be ok for anything else but the loaches - I'm not an expert so I can't help you with how much salt could this one stand.
Anyways, constant heat and constant 2 tbsp/5 gallons should do it - considering you have a 90 liter tank, that should be about 9 tablespoons of salt constantly in your tank. That's what I used in my tank, but I did not have scaleless fish in it (loaches, cory cats, plecos,...).
If you do water changes (I haven't, for the duration of the treatment), make sure new water is warm and salty (1 tablespoon/10liters).
Air should be running 24/7. Keep on doing what you are doing - maybe you can't save all your fish, but this is the method everybody praises for getting rid of ich.
Two good resources:
The fish are looking miles better already. I lost two yesterday but the rest are losing spots. I think I'm seeing the tail end of this now.
Thanks for the help everyone. :)
TallTree01 do my pics look like what you are dealing with as well.  I too have lost 2 fish so far.  Its very frustrating.
Gabriel.mihu thank you for posting those 2 articles they were very helpful.
Yes they do look very similar. Good luck with getting it under control.
I have beaten the Ick. I lost 3 rummynose along the way and I may have lost some kuhli loaches but I don't think so.
Thankyou everyone for your help in beating this malicious parasite. :) I will keep salt and temp the saame for a few days to completely destroy it.
It might come back, another burst. Make sure you have at least a few ich free days, otherwise, just from one parasite it will come back.
TallTree01 thank you for helping confirm what I thought it was.  I have also turned up my temp and added salt.  I have noticed this morning it is starting to look better.  It is day 3 so far. I have lost 2 fish since the breakout.  But I have my fingers crossed.  I know I will most likely loose all my new fry but that's ok.  I was able to spot 2 last night.  I will keep everyone updated.  But I do have one question when should I start my water changes after I put the salt in?
Continue regular waterchanges as usual and redose salt with each change. Clean water is a must when fighting ich. Good luck with the ich.
I have a big problem, I saw my kuhli loaches today. Here is a picture:

He has white patches, ich and his gills look poorly. What is wrong with him?
I don't think I've seen the end of the ich yet. :( Could the salt have damaged him and allowed ich to grab a hold?
Salt might have damaged him. I warned you to check if the loaches is sensitive to salt... usually scaleless occupants are more or less sensitive to salt. I am not sure if the salt did to him what we see here, though. Maybe some experts can jump in on this with better info...
littigger1983 said:
TallTree01 thank you for helping confirm what I thought it was.  I have also turned up my temp and added salt.  I have noticed this morning it is starting to look better.  It is day 3 so far. I have lost 2 fish since the breakout.  But I have my fingers crossed.  I know I will most likely loose all my new fry but that's ok.  I was able to spot 2 last night.  I will keep everyone updated.  But I do have one question when should I start my water changes after I put the salt in?
I never changed the water during the treatment. I had about 1 month old fry in the tank, didn't lose any of them to ich. If you change the water, make sure you have the same amount of salt in the new water and the same temperature... don't put colder water, as it will take some time to heat up an slow down the ich cycle (I don't know by how much).
I've changed a good 40-50% of the water to remove as much salt as possible. Haven't found any kuhli bodies either
:shout: the lack of salt has allowed ich to claw its way back into my fish. Please help. If I add more salt my kuhlis are in danger, and if I don't, my rummies are gone for sure.
I need to resort to meds. Please advise on brands and dosing with kuhlis in the tank.
Bought a bottle of wardleys Ick away treatment for Ick.
Because of loaches I would be inclined to dose at half strength. Please advise. :)
Have added 1.75 ml of Ick away which is half reccomended dose if 5ml treats 125 liters. The tank is a disturbing green color. :S
The kuhli in the picture further up the page was found dead this morning before I added the meds.

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