Help- How should I complain about a UK shop?

well the same goes for the dead fish in my local petsathome, they certainly hadn't been dead only a couple of hours, they were at least a couple of days dead.

Look forward to hearing your response, and i'm glad you have decided to support your local fish shop instead!

Here is the maidenhead aquatics website if that one is anywhere near to you...

thats realy cruel how can some one that works there not hook out the dead fish or treat sick one or do something about it :angry: i say complain untill they do something!!
I've noticed that in my local pets@home here in Belfast!! Wouldn't go near their fish any more!! never get healthy fish!! suggest keep away from them!!

Cheers Joe!
Its not easy to avoid dead fish with the amount Pets At Home have on the premises at any one time.
It wasn't so much the number of dead fish that concerned me (although the number was high) It was HOW LONG they had been dead for. There quite simply IMO is no excuse.
Until you UK folks see a bad Walmart or other "superstore", you ain't seen nothin'...

I was at a Meier's recently and it was the saddest thing I've ever seen. Old tanks, algae covered, completely incompatible species in the same tank. Dozens of species in the same tank.

8 dead fish... PER TANK... :sick:

And there's nothing we can do about it... other than go elsewhere for our fish.
If you go to a fish shop in the UK that’s in a really really really bad state, call RSPCA immediately and they should check it the same day, obviously don't tell the shop because if the RSPCA comes and they see no evidence there is nothing they can do.

But even if there are no fines, the RSPCA officer turning up to investigate will be a serious shake up for the shop staff/managers.

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